David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, 1563-1611
Paludanus, Bernard, 1550-1633
Short Title:
East Asia. Exacta & accurata delineatio ... China, Cauchinchina ....
Chez Evert Cloppenburgh
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Book Map
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Foldout. Linschoten drew on many contemporary sources for his map, making it one of the best detailed maps of southeast Asia of the period. "This map relies heavily upon Spanish & Portugese sources, to which Linschoten had access. The maps draws on the work of Fernao Vaz Dourado for much of Southeast Asia and Japan. China is based upon the work of Barbuda. The Philippines is drawn from de Lasso, most notably the curious orientation of Palawan. In other regions, Linschoten draws upon the reports of Marco Polo, most notably for the location of the mythical land of Beach provincia aurifera, south of Java Mayor. Linschoten follows Plancius in confusing Seram with New Guinea, a reference which was noted by Thomas Forrest, who explored New Guinea for the English and cited the map as proof that the islands of New Britain discovered by Dampier were the same archipelago as the Solomon Islands. In Borneo, Linschoten follows Plancius in identifying the region visited by Don Manuel of Lima in 1537, a reference apparently derived from Lopo Homem, Bartolomeu Lasso and Vaz Dourado. On the mainland, the course of the Mekong is west of the treatment of Ramusio, significantly distorting the region. Ayuthaya appears twice, once as Odia, and, just over the other side of the river, it appears again as Siam. Linschoten rejected the inland sea shown by Lasso in northern Malaya, and adds a reference to Singapore. Chiang Mai is adjacent to Ayuthaya, on the Mekong. Lake Chiang Mai, the supposed source of the major rivers of Southeast Asia, has moved significantly to the west. Linschoten includes four large lakes in the Chinese interior, based on a similar treatment by Barbuda and Chinese legend. Corea is shown as an island."(Ruderman)
East Asia
Full Title:
(East Asia.) Exacta & accurata delineatio cum orarum maritimarum rum etiam locorum terrestrium que in regionibus China, Cauchinchina .... Carte de Malacca & de China, & Isles de Sumatra, Java, Molucques, Manilles, & Japan.
List No:
Series No:
Engraver or Printer:
Henricus F. ab Langren
Publication Author:
Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, 1563-1611
Publication Author:
Paludanus, Bernard, 1550-1633
Pub Date:
Pub Title:
Histoire de la navigation de Jean Hugues de Linschot Hollandois, aux Indes Orientales, contenant diverses descriptions des lieux jusques à présent descouverts par les Portugais, observations des coustumes et singularitez de delà et autres déclarations, avec annotations de B. Paludanus,... sur la matière des plantes et espiceries, item quelques cartes géographiques et autres figures. Troixiesme édition augmentéee ... A Amsterdam. Chez Evert Cloppenburgh ... 1638.
Pub Note:
Known as Jan Huygen van Linschoten's, "Itinerio", this volume did much to expose to the European world the secrets of the 16th century Portuguese trade and navigation in south Asia. This ultimately opened the way for Dutch (Indonesia) and English (India) colonization. The volume consists of 3 books; the first focused on Goa, the Portugese hub in India and related trade and navigation. It also exposed opportunities in the East Indies. The second book describes the navigation of the coasts of West Africa around the Cape of Good Hope to Arabia, together with the coasts of the New World, and island to island in the East Indies. The third book covers Florida, the Caribbean, and Brazil. The volume was first published in Dutch in 1595/6. Later editions incorporated the work of Bernard Paludanus, and others. Linschoten's maps are among the earliest maps to show the region of south Asia in detail.
Pub List No:
Pub Type:
World Atlas
Pub Type:
Geography Book
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Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, 1563-1611; Paludanus, Bernard, 1550-1633