David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, 1563-1611
Paludanus, Bernard, 1550-1633
Langren, Arnold van
Short Title:
South America and West Indies. Delineatio omnium orarum totius Australis partis Americae ....
Chez Evert Cloppenburgh
Publisher Location:
Book Map
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Date estimated. Foldout. "An extraordinary map of South America, the Caribbean islands, and Florida, shown on a horizontal axis. This is one of the most striking and decorative maps of South America and is an important early record of the continent. The map is oriented with north to the right and includes Florida and the Gulf Coast (over 20 place names shown), and the Caribbean. The Straits of Magellan are depicted, with Terra del Fuego shown as a part of the great southern land mass. The coastlines are well defined and densely engraved with place names while the interior is filled with fictional mountains, rivers and vignettes of Patagonian giants, Brazilian cannibals and numerous strange animals including a lion-like creature with a striped tail and human face. Other embellishments include large elaborate cartouches, sea monsters, galleons and a beautiful compass rose. " (Ruderman)
World Area:
South America
World Area:
West Indies
Full Title:
(South America and West Indies.) Delineatio omnium orarum totius Australis partis Americae ....
List No:
Series No:
Publication Author:
Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, 1563-1611
Publication Author:
Paludanus, Bernard, 1550-1633
Pub Date:
Pub Title:
Histoire de la navigation de Jean Hugues de Linschot Hollandois, aux Indes Orientales, contenant diverses descriptions des lieux jusques à présent descouverts par les Portugais, observations des coustumes et singularitez de delà et autres déclarations, avec annotations de B. Paludanus,... sur la matière des plantes et espiceries, item quelques cartes géographiques et autres figures. Troixiesme édition augmentéee ... A Amsterdam. Chez Evert Cloppenburgh ... 1638.
Pub Note:
Known as Jan Huygen van Linschoten's, "Itinerio", this volume did much to expose to the European world the secrets of the 16th century Portuguese trade and navigation in south Asia. This ultimately opened the way for Dutch (Indonesia) and English (India) colonization. The volume consists of 3 books; the first focused on Goa, the Portugese hub in India and related trade and navigation. It also exposed opportunities in the East Indies. The second book describes the navigation of the coasts of West Africa around the Cape of Good Hope to Arabia, together with the coasts of the New World, and island to island in the East Indies. The third book covers Florida, the Caribbean, and Brazil. The volume was first published in Dutch in 1595/6. Later editions incorporated the work of Bernard Paludanus, and others. Linschoten's maps are among the earliest maps to show the region of south Asia in detail.
Pub List No:
Pub Type:
World Atlas
Pub Type:
Geography Book
Pub Maps:
Pub Height cm:
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Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, 1563-1611; Paludanus, Bernard, 1550-1633; Langren, Arnold van

South America and West Indies. Delineatio omnium orarum totius Australis partis Americae ....

South America and West Indies. Delineatio omnium orarum totius Australis partis Americae ....