David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Short Title:
Text Page: Definitions de plusieurs Instrumens de Guerre. Septieme planche
Chez l'Auteur (De Fer)
Publisher Location:
Text Page
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Text to the 7th. plate.
Phillips, A List of Geographical Atlases in the Library of Congress, 517a, Shirley, T,Fe-1c.
Full Title:
(Text Page to) Definitions de plusieurs Instrumens de Guerre. Renvoy de la Septieme planche. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No:
Page No:
I.7 text
Series No:
Publication Author:
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Pub Date:
Pub Title:
Les forces de l'Europe, ou Description des principales villes, avec leurs fortifications : Dessinees par les meilleurs ingenieurs; particulierement celles qui sont sous la domination de la France, dont les plans ont estee levez par Monsieur de Vauban, ... & aussi la description de tous les instrumens servans aa la fortification, aa l'attaque & deffense des places, ensemble ceux qui servent pour l'artillerie, la maniere de dresser un camp devant une ville assiegee. Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... pour l'usage de Monseigneur le duc de Bourgogne. A Paris, chez l'auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693). Avec privilege du Roy.
Pub Note:
One volume in 8 parts. Each part has separate title-page, dated 1693-1696, by Nicholas De Fer. Title pages to each part printed in red and black. Includes engraved dedication to the Duc de Bourgogne “Introduction a la Fortification dediee a Monseigneur le Duc Bourgogne … 1693.”, and Armorial bookplate of "The Right Hon.ble Algernon Capell, Earl of Essex, Viscount Maldon, and Baron Capell of Hadham," dated 1701 on verso. Letter press table of contents for parts 1-5 and contemporary manuscript listing of parts 5-8 on verso. Allegorical frontispiece engraved by Schoonebeck following the part 2 title page. Atlas includes 184 uncolored engraved maps, plans and views, one folded, some with corresponding letterpress or engraved text. Showing fortifications of European cities in France, Germany and the Netherlands, also includes other regions, including Malta, Constantinople,Tripoli, Batavia and map of Quebec, which is bound in part 5 as map 23. The Battle of Quebec was fought in October 1690 between the colonies of New France and Massachusetts Bay. In 1690, Sir William Phips was appointed major-general by Massachusetts to command an expedition against French Acadia. He sailed with seven vessels carrying a 450-strong provincial "Foot Regiment", and Port Royal surrendered on 21 May. Atlas bound in contemporary calf, with raised decorated spine, with title “Forces del Evrope.” Nicolas De Fer, a French Publisher, engraver, geographer and cartographer. He made maps of places in Europe and North America, including New Spain,[7] places fortified by Vauban, the Low Countries, and the War of the Spanish Succession. In 1698, de Fer published a map of North America, which included a depiction of beavers building dams near Niagara Falls.
Pub List No:
Pub Type:
Regional Atlas
Pub Type:
Military Atlas
Pub Maps:
Pub Height cm:
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Image No:
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720