David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Zingg, Andrew
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Text: A new map of the world
Andrew Zingg
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""The outlines of this Map were presented through inspirational vision and are authentic!" - A. Zing (A-Z - Alpha Omega) Large self-published map of the world, depicting how it would be transformed by a "cycle change" which the author had foreseen in an "inspirational vision". Zingg alleges that the world's axis would shift, resulting in a massive climate change, as well as a lifting up of some bodies of land, and a submerging of others. The whole vision has an interesting pro-American inflection; the predicted apocalypse would result in the wholesale destruction of the Old World (Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, Asia), whereas the New World would be considerably larger (5,000 miles wide at Panama) and the climate would improve. One is tempted to understand the map in the context of the geopolitics of the time - in the leadup to World War II and the destruction it would bring to the places that Zingg mentions. The online Catalog of Copyright Entries shows that a copyright was granted to Andrew Zingg on January 21, 1939, for a "Map of Future Events". Zingg's Treatise A NEW MAP OF THE WORLD (There will be a Cycle Change of this Globe in the near Future). This map portrays the world in its new form after the Cycle Change has taken place. We are now living in that age in which a physical change of the Globe will soon occur in which this world will roll (in its orb) to a new point of balance which will swing its axis into new moorings, the North Pole will be shifted into Siberia east of the Ural Mountains, and the South Pole in the South Pacific Ocean. Through this cataclysm of the Globe the geography and the climate of the world will be greatly changed. The dark part of the Map represents that part of the world which will suffer inundation. The checkered part on both sides of the Western Hemisphere and around Australia indicates new land risen to the surface. Note the course of the dark part of the Map. All of Europe, Asia Minor, Northern Africa, all of South and East Asia, the East Indies, the Philippine Islands and Japan, Southeastern Siberia, Northern Alaska, Northern Canada, Southern Greenland, and Iceland will suffer deluge destruction and become extinct. The Western Hemisphere will rise out of the water and become a Continent once again, as large as it now is. The Gulf of Mexico will be transformed into an inland sea. The West Indies will amalgamate with Central America and the Great American Continent will be approximately five thousand miles wide at the Equator. With the new lands risen to the surface on both sides of the Western Hemisphere extending from Nova Scotia to Cape Horn on the Atlantic seaboard and from Alaska to Cape Horn on the Pacific seaboard; all seaports of the Western Hemisphere will become way inland cities. Australia will rise out of the water and join with New Zealand and be­come a continent three times their present size. Note the position of the poles, with the new North Pole in Siberia East of the Ural Mountains, in the region of Omsk; Western Siberia will be in the bleakest Arctic, with the Poles of the world in their new moorings. The United States will be so close to the new Equator that the mildness or Florida will be this whole nation's climate. The physiographical position or the Western Hemisphere will be such that the sun will rotate breadthwise over this Hemisphere and shine lengthwise over it. Its climate will be uniformly warm and beautifully pleasant throughout. The Little Americas in the Antarctic and the Northern part of Greenland will emerge from their frigid isolation, and in time become inhabitable. Australia will be in a cooler climate than now prevalent. Her climate will be like that or Southern Canada and the Northern part of the United States. The outlines of this Map were presented through inspirational vision and are authentic. A proclamation with reference to this Map will be made in the near future. Respectfully yours, A. Zingg (A-Z - Alpha Omega)" (Ruderman)
Full Title:
(Text Page to) A new map of the world (There will be a cycle change of this globe in near future). Copyright 1938 by Andrew Zingg, Iowa.
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Publication Author:
Zingg, Andrew
Pub Date:
Pub Title:
A new map of the world (There will be a cycle change of this globe in near future). Copyright 1938 by Andrew Zingg, Iowa.
Pub Note:
Map of the world, self-published by Andrew Zingg. According to the Catalog of Copyright entries, the copyright was granted to Andrew Zingg on January 21, 1939. Map is accompanied by 2 pages of descriptive text, portrays the world in its new form after the Cycle change has taken place. Includes legend, showing Zone of destruction and New land.
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Separate Map
Pub Height cm:
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Zingg, Andrew

Text: A new map of the world

Text: A new map of the world