General profile from Fort Smith, Arkansas, to Martinez, near San Francisco, California, to accompany the maps of Explorations and Surveys made under the direction of Hon. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War by Lieut. A.W. Whipple, Topl. engrs., assisted by Lieut. J.C. Ives, Topl. Engr., A.H. Campbell, civil engr. & surveyor, Wm. White, Jr., N.H. Hilton, J.P. Sherburne, asst. surveyors. 1853-4. Route near the 35th Parallel. (1861)
General profile from Fort Smith, Arkansas, to Martinez, near San Francisco, California, to accompany the maps of Explorations and Surveys made under the direction of Hon. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War by Lieut. A.W. Whipple, Topl. engrs., assisted by Lieut. J.C. Ives, Topl. Engr., A.H. Campbell, civil engr. & surveyor, Wm. White, Jr., N.H. Hilton, J.P. Sherburne, asst. surveyors. 1853-4. Route near the 35th Parallel. (1861)
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