David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Domino, Blaise
Short Title:
Map of Harvard Square Area, Cambridge.
Pict-o-graph Co.
Separate Map
Obj Height cm:
Obj Width cm:
This is the first edition. See our 8906.000 for the second edition 1978 with many of the shop and retail names changed.
Cambridge (Mass.)
Harvard Square (Mass.)
Pictorial map
Full Title:
Map of Harvard Sq. Area, Cambridge. Distribution by Pict-o-graph Co. Artist Blaise Domino (c)1976.
List No:
Publication Author:
Domino, Blaise
Pub Date:
Pub Title:
Map of Harvard Sq. Area, Cambridge. Distribution by Pict-o-graph Co. Artist Blaise Domino (c)1976.
Pub Note:
"Fine example of the Hawaiian psychedelic artist Blaise Domino's map of Harvard Square, published by Pict-o-graph Co. in 1976. Interesting pictorial map of Harvard Square in the mid-1970s, covering all of the Harvard Campus and adjacent commercial district immediately northeast of the Charles River and extending to Ellery Street in the east and Cambridge Street in the north. The map includes the names and vignettes for dozens of local businesses and the buildings on the Harvard Campus. This is apparently one of the earliest surviving printed works of Blaise Domino, who would later go on to produce a number of famous pictorial maps of the Hawaiian Islands and transportation advertising artwork in Hawaii. This would seem to be the artist's earliest commercial work. OCLC also notes a map of the French Quarter, Vieux Carré, French Quarter: City of New Orleans, Louisiana, published in 1977. "Old maps to me represent a quiet authority and grace, that as keepers of information and history, occupy a unique place in art." (Blaise Domino). In advertising an exhibition of his work in 2004 in San Francisco, the Honolulu Advertiser wrote on March 17, 2004: Blaise Domino is best-known in Hawai'i for his Map of the Sandwich Isles . . . The historical cartographer of Diamond Head was once a hippie from San Francisco, however, and he has the psychedelic art to prove it. . . . The Blaise Domino Art website notes: . . . Blaise Domino first came to Hawaii as a military dependent in 1960. He came to artistic prominence as a fine art student, first at Louisiana State University and then at the University of Hawaii, where he won the Grand Prize at the First All Armed Forces Art Show in 1962 with an untitled abstract expressionist oil painting. He continued his studies at San Jose State and the Sorbonne and University of Paris. After extensive study and travel in Europe and North Africa, Blaise returned to Hawaii to pursue more commercial art, developing an aerial view style of Picture/Map for Delta Air Lines, Western Airlines, Gray Line Hawaii, the State of Hawaii and others." (Ruderman, 2021).
Pub List No:
Pub Type:
Separate Map
Pub Height cm:
Pub Width cm:
Image No:
Domino, Blaise
Map of Harvard Square Area, Cambridge.