David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Gormaz, Francisco Vidal, 1837-1907
Molinas, Francisco Javier
Castillo, Luis A.
Short Title:
Plano del Rio Cruces i sus afluentes.
Imprenta Nacional
Publisher Location:
Atlas Map
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Nautical chart of the Río Cruces [Cruces River] and its tributaries, Chile, during November and December, 1867, as well as January, February and March, 1868. Shows cities, roads, vegetation, drainage, shorelines, shoals and islands. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, two bar scales and a scale statement, as well a compass rose with north oriented toward top of sheet. Descriptive note beneath title. Text begins: Las lineas fuertes indican la parte esplorada por la Comision i las lineas auxiliares ó cortadas la prolongacion aparente de los Ríos [= The strong lines indicate the part explored by the Commission and the auxiliary or cut lines the apparent prolongation of the rivers]. Black and white lithograph. Chart is 37 x 48 cm, on fold-out sheet 49 x 52 cm. In first section of atlas, Esploracion hidrográfica de la costa i Ríos de la Araucanía.
Cruces River (Chile)
Nautical Charts
Full Title:
Plano del Rio Cruces i sus afluentes, levantado de órden del Smo. Gno. durante los meses de Noviembre i Diciembre de 1867 i Enero, Febrero i Marzo de 1868, por La Comision Esploradora del Rio Valdivia, compuesta del Tte. 1o. Fco. Vidal Gormaz, Jefe de ella, i de los Ttes. 2os. Fco. Javier Molinas i Luis A. Castillo. Lita. Cadot I Brandt, Santiago.
List No:
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Engraver or Printer:
Litografía Cadot y Brandt
Publication Author:
Gormaz, Francisco Vidal, 1837-1907
Pub Date:
Pub Title:
Esploracion hidrográfica de la costa i rios de la Araucanía, comprendidos entre la Punta Cauten por el norte i la Punta Chanchan por el sur, hecha de órden del Supremo Gobierno, por el Teniente 1o. de Marina, don Francisco Vidal Gormaz. Imprenta Nacional, Calle de la Moneda, Núm. 46. 1867.
Pub Note:
Esploracion hidrográfica de la costa i Ríos de la Araucanía, by Francisco Vidal Gormaz, published in Santiago. Comprised of three parts, each with separate title pages, dated 1867, 1869 and 1870. Foremost volume title translates to: Hydrographic exploration of the coast and rivers of the Araucanía. The Araucanía Region of central Chile encompasses terrain ranging from the west's Pacific coastline to volcanoes and the Andes mountains in the east. The Araucanía is the heartland of the indigenous Mapuche people, who resisted both Inca and Spanish attempts at conquest. However, since 1885, the territory has been part of Chile. Atlas features nautical charts showing coastal areas - including bays - and rivers of the Araucanía. Bound in board with leather spine. Front and back covers decorated with black and blue marbled paper. Gilded spine title, which translates to: Notes on the coast of Chile. Collation: [1], [1-3], 4-32, [1], 4-46, [1], [1], 2-77, [1], [1], 2-109, [110-112], 1-18, 89-110, [341], 342-355, [356-357], 358, [1], [1] pages, with [17] leaves of plates interspersed within the text. Plates contain fourteen nautical charts, five cross section views, one statistical chart and one diagram. Nautical charts show cities, roads, topography, vegetation, shorelines, shoals, islands, soundings and anchorage. Charts include latitudinal and longitudinal lines, coordinate points, bar scales, scale statements, compass roses and arrows indicating the direction of water flow. Relief illustrated with hachures. In addition, this copy of the atlas has handwritten annotations, in ink, on the first page (unnumbered and originally blank), and throughout the text.
Pub List No:
Pub Type:
Chart Atlas
Pub Type:
Regional Atlas
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Gormaz, Francisco Vidal, 1837-1907; Molinas, Francisco Javier ; Castillo, Luis A.