David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Chenteau, (T.)
Short Title:
Carte philosophique et mathematique (Philosophical and mathematical map)
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Full Title:
Carte philosophique et mathematique dediee a Son Altesse Royale Monseigneur le Due Charles Alexandre de Lorraine et de Bar &c. Par son Tres Humble et Obeissant Serviteur T. du Chenteau. Accompagnee du Calendrier Magique et Perpetuel contenant la contemplation des choses les plus profondes et les plus secrettes avec la connaissance complette de la philosophie, le tout dessine et grave dans un nouvel ordre, rectifie et combine avec les articles du titre suivant. Par Monsieur T ... du Chenteau Mathematicien, le Miroir de toute la Nature, Harmonie du Macrocosme avec le Microcosme, la Science cabalistique, nrnnerique et theosophique. (Philosophical and mathematical map dedicated to His Royal Highness Monsignor the Due Charles Alexandre de Lorraine et de Bar &c. By his Most Humble and Obedient Servant T. du Chenteau. Accompanied by the Magical and Perpetual Calendar containing the contemplation of the deepest and most secret things with the complete knowledge of philosophy, the whole drawn and engraved in a new order, rectified and combined with the articles of the following title. By Monsieur T ... du Chenteau Mathematician, the Mirror of all Nature, Harmony of the Macrocosm with the Microcosm, Cabalistic, Neurological and Theosophical Science.)
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Publication Author:
Chenteau, (T.)
Pub Date:
Pub Title:
Carte philosophique et mathematique dediee a Son Altesse Royale Monseigneur le Due Charles Alexandre de Lorraine et de Bar &c. Par son Tres Humble et Obeissant Serviteur T. du Chenteau. Accompagnee du Calendrier Magique et Perpetuel contenant la contemplation des choses les plus profondes et les plus secrettes avec la connaissance complette de la philosophie, le tout dessine et grave dans un nouvel ordre, rectifie et combine avec les articles du titre suivant. Par Monsieur T ... du Chenteau Mathematicien, le Miroir de toute la Nature, Harmonie du Macrocosme avec le Microcosme, la Science cabalistique, nrnnerique et theosophique. (Philosophical and mathematical map dedicated to His Royal Highness Monsignor the Due Charles Alexandre de Lorraine et de Bar &c. By his Most Humble and Obedient Servant T. du Chenteau. Accompanied by the Magical and Perpetual Calendar containing the contemplation of the deepest and most secret things with the complete knowledge of philosophy, the whole drawn and engraved in a new order, rectified and combined with the articles of the following title. By Monsieur T ... du Chenteau Mathematician, the Mirror of all Nature, Harmony of the Macrocosm with the Microcosm, Cabalistic, Neurological and Theosophical Science.)
Pub Note:
"4 etched sheets of 77 x 97 cm each, rolled up and mounted on strong paper forming a panel of 108 x 388 cm. Spectacular piece of remarkable rarity, already reported as such at the time of its publication: "We know the extreme rarity of this map which is not found in the most famous libraries, not excepting that of the King . It is in Paris at the author's in the rue des Martyrs, the porte-coche before that of M. de Malesherbes, opposite the Military Pension of the Young Nobilit (Journal de litterature des sciences et des arts par l'abbe Grosier , 1779). Drawn and engraved in 1775 at Schaerbeek Castle near Brussels by the alchemist and Frenchman Du Chenteau (or Chanteau) de Touzay (1741-1788), this map is loaded with emblems and hieroglyphic figures, inspired by a "magic calendar" of the Renaissance falsely attributed to Tycho Brahe (1546-1601), was supposed, according to its author, to deliver a complete knowledge of philosophy in the Age of Enlightenment; this first printing from the presses of the publisher Louvois bears the discreet mention engraved in the margin "There is a copy of the old map of Tycho-Brahe (similar to the one I used) at Mr. Van den Zande apothecary in Bruxelles”: “In this astonishing example of “graphic esotericism”, the author wishes to illustrate two major ideas. Behind the different religions, there is a single philosophia perennis, a primordial tradition to which the study of Kabbalah and symbols can give us access. All the components of creation and life are linked by subtle but very real links. From where a vast network of analogies and correspondences which insufficient and maintains the dynamic which animates and sustains the world. This large and complex composition therefore reveals the correspondences and links that hermetico-kabalistic thought believes it can establish between the constellations of the zodiac, the angelic hierarchies, the divine attributes of the Kabbalah, the seven skies of Antiquity, the seasons, the parts of the human body” (Pierre Mollier). In his study on the relationship between Masons and alchemists in the 17th century (L'alchimie des francs-mar;ons: Histoire d'une tradition transmutee -Les grades bleus), Dominique Jardin reports -according to the testimony of brother Gleichen his contemporary -, the strange case of "brother Touzay-Duchanteau, author of famous plates, (q~1) is lent a room by the lodge "Les Amis reunis" and hopes to find the philosopher's stone: " He devoted himself to the study of alchemy and created a process to produce the philosopher's stone, as singular as it is ingenious, because it really agrees with all the essential passages of the alchemical books and explains their main enigmas fairly well. All agree in saying that one must constantly unite the lower with the higher and that fire, vase and matter must be found in the same subject. But Duchanteau said: "the mysterious subject is me, and every male man, who is well constituted, has the power from the age of twenty, until fifty, to make the philosopher's stone!" This is what he undertook to prove to the lodge of the United Friends, and what unfortunately we could not let him finish to the end. But what he showed us is quite curious and almost wonderful. His process and his secret consisted in feeding solely on his urine; he drank incessantly, which he returned: "Here is the coovation of the superior with the inferior, he told us, my urine is matter, my body is the vase and my heat is the fire, that is how these three main things are in one subject. Duchanteau having been placed in a room as in a bath, he was given clothes, and the brothers took turns to watch him and make sure that nothing entered his body, nor the room, which could alter the truth. of his assertions. (...) After Duchanteau had finished his fast of twenty-six days, he ate and drank the same evening as the six guests together, who dined with him and what is still remarkable is that this intemperance did not make him not the slightest harm. In despair at having missed his goal, which he had been so close to attaining, he absolutely wanted to repeat his experience, but he could only sustain it until the sixteenth day, when his strength suddenly abandoned him, and as he died a short time later, it seems that this second ordeal cost him his life. The Touzay-Duchanteau plates were purchased by the Grand Chapter at the request of Brother Graffin on May 2, 1784. (...) On June 17, a proof of the "Allegorical Map" was granted to the Chapter of the United Brothers of Saint- Henri to the Orient of Paris, then to other chapters, so much so that a year later there are only six proofs left out of fourteen purchased at the price of 24 pounds per piece. We thus measure the taste shown by the brothers, in particular when they belong to a chapter, for hermetic or even alchemical speculations. (Dominique Jardin The alchemy of the francs-mar;ons: history of a transmuted tradition, the blue grades, Paris, Dervy, 2022). 2 copies listed: Bibliotheque nationale de France (copy presented in 2016 at the “La franc-ma9onnerie” exhibition) and Bibliotheque royale de Belgique. Fesch, i384; unknown to Caillet (III, 10892 for Tycho Brahe's calendar) and Dorbon (Bibliotheca Esoterica, 4985 for the 1866 reprint).
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Chenteau, (T.)

Carte philosophique et mathematique (Philosophical and mathematical map)

Carte philosophique et mathematique (Philosophical and mathematical map)