David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Truskot, Ivan (1721-1786)
Short Title:
Karta, predstavliaiushchaia Pol’shu i Moldaviiu s okolo lezhashchimi zemliami, sochinennaia pri Imper.[atorskoi] Akademii Nauk po noveishim izvestiiam Tituliarnym sovetnikom i Ad’iutantom Ivanom Truskotom [i.e. Map Displaying Poland and Moldavia with Surrounding Lands, Compiled Basing on the Latest Data by Titular Councilor, Adjunct Professor Ivan Truskot in the Imperial Academy of Sciences]
Imperatorskoi Akademii nauk i khudozhestv (Imperial Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Publisher Location:
St. Petersburg
Separate Map
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Full Title:
Karta, predstavliaiushchaia Pol’shu i Moldaviiu s okolo lezhashchimi zemliami, sochinennaia pri Imper.[atorskoi] Akademii Nauk po noveishim izvestiiam Tituliarnym sovetnikom i Ad’iutantom Ivanom Truskotom [i.e. Map Displaying Poland and Moldavia with Surrounding Lands, Compiled Basing on the Latest Data by Titular Councilor, Adjunct Professor Ivan Truskot in the Imperial Academy of Sciences]
List No:
Publication Author:
Truskot, Ivan (1721-1786)
Pub Date:
Pub Title:
Karta, predstavliaiushchaia Pol’shu i Moldaviiu s okolo lezhashchimi zemliami, sochinennaia pri Imper.[atorskoi] Akademii Nauk po noveishim izvestiiam Tituliarnym sovetnikom i Ad’iutantom Ivanom Truskotom [i.e. Map Displaying Poland and Moldavia with Surrounding Lands, Compiled Basing on the Latest Data by Titular Councilor, Adjunct Professor Ivan Truskot in the Imperial Academy of Sciences]
Pub Note:
"An interesting map showing how Russia, Prussia and Austria had annexed desirable territories during partitions of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1772-1795, as well as one of the Russo-Turkish wars. It was created in 1769, but hand-coloring of results was carried out later. The map shows borders of states, some West-European lands, the European possessions of Turkey, provinces of West Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania and Belarus, an area of Nogais, settlements, forests, steppes and relief. A cartouche is printed in the upper left corner and decorated with floral ornaments.  According to hand-coloring, the Russian Empire was expanded until the Dniester river, cities Akkerman [Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi], Grodno and Kowno [Kaunas]. Colored in green, it includes the Vilnius and Minsk voivodeships, Volhynia, areas of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks and Western Nogai. The Prussian area is painted blue and the boundary of Austria is specified as yellow. Of the European possessions of Turkey, Moldavia is limited by pink border. This map was created during the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–1774. A series of military conflicts between these countries peaked while admirals of Catherine the Great were obtaining direct access to the Black Sea. At that time, the Turks formed an alliance with the Polish opposition forces of the Bar Confederation and Alexander Suvorov was transferred to command the Russian corps. His victory influenced the campaign over Poland in particular. In the late 18th century, the Russian Empire conquered the Pontic–Caspian steppe and founded Odessa in 1794. The map doesn’t display Odessa, however Ochakiv has already been painted as Russian territory after it was defeated in 1788. The map was compiled by Russian cartographer Ivan Truskot (or Truscott; 1721-1786), adjunct professor of the Geographic Department of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In 1746, he led a cartographic laboratory at the Academy. Having worked in it for more than forty years, Truscott made a significant contribution to improvement of Russian cartography. He worked for seven years under the head of M. Lomonosov and participated in creation of the first Russian circumpolar map in 1758. In 1761, Lomonosov ordered him and Ya. Schmidt to compile a new “Russian Atlas” as their main work and to train students on map-making at the same time. After Lomonosov’s death, Truscott and Ya. Shmidt led all cartographic works until 1768." (Bookvica, 2023)
Pub List No:
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Separate Map
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Truskot, Ivan (1721-1786)

Karta, predstavliaiushchaia Pol’shu i Moldaviiu s okolo lezhashchimi zemliami, sochinennai...

Karta, predstavliaiushchaia Pol’shu i Moldaviiu s okolo lezhashchimi zemliami, sochinennaia pri Imper.[atorskoi] Akademii Nauk po noveishim izvestiiam Tituliarnym sovetnikom i Ad’iutantom Ivanom Truskotom [i.e. Map Displaying Poland and Moldavia with Surrounding Lands, Compiled Basing on the Latest Data by Titular Councilor, Adjunct Professor Ivan Truskot in the Imperial Academy of Sciences]