David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Gallucci, Giovanni Paolo, 1538-1621
Perez, Miguel
Munoz, Sebastian
Short Title:
Circulo que Contiene las opactas que responden a los aureos numeros
Sebastian Munoz
Publisher Location:
Celestial Map
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Gallucci's Theatro del Mundo (Theater of the World and time), the first modern celestial atlas on cosmography, astronomy and astrology, a survey on terrestrial and celestial physics, by Giovanni Paolo Gallucio, translated from Latin into Castilian Spanish. Gallucci combined a coordinate system with a celestial system of projection for an accurate determination of the star and zodiacal positions, it represents paper versions of the astrolabe, an instrument used to calculate the position of the stars and celestial bodies before the invention of the sextant. Gallucci first published the book in Latin in 1588 as "Theatrum mundi et temporis" in Venice, it was translated into Spanish in 1606, 1611, 1614, 1616 and 1617, all of them printed in Granada, in the Printing press of Sebastian Munoz. This is 2nd. edition, Spanish version of his Theatrum Mundo in 369 pages, in 6 parts: Libro I-VI, published in 1606, includes text, title page with vignette decorated with coat of arms, Dedication to Francisco Gonzalez de Heredia, Erata of the five books, charts, tables, as well as depiction of the constellations and collection of mythologic figures. Books 1-4 of Theatro del Mundo represent rotating volvelles with moving parts depicting astronomical hemispheric diagrams, Sphere stars and symbols for different star intensities, the Solar System, the wind, calculators for tides and daytime at every longitude and latitude, tables of the radiations of the planets and order of the Zodiac signs. Book 5 presents 48 maps of the Ptolemaic constellations and the related mythological illustrations. Book 6 contains text and tables. The star positions were taken from Copernicus’s catalogue. Bound in brown leather embossed covers with title " Theatro de Mvndo" on spine in gilt. Giovanni Paulo Gallucci an Italian Physicist and Cosmograph of the mid-sixteenth century, born in Salo in 1593 and died in Venice in 1621. He was one of the most active partners of the Academy of Venice of which he was founder in 1593, he invented an instrument allowing him to observe celestial phenomena day and night. He published many works on astronomical and time-measurement equipment.
Full Title:
Y del Tiempo Lib. IIII. Circulo que Contiene las opactas que responden a los aureos numeros desde el ano de 1582 hasta el ano: 1300. (to accompany) Theatro del Mvndo y de el Tiempo ... Por Sebastian Munoz, impressor de libros, Ano de 1606.
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Publication Author:
Gallucci, Giovanni Paolo, 1538-1621
Publication Author:
Perez, Miguel
Publication Author:
Munoz, Sebastian
Pub Date:
Pub Title:
Theatro del Mvndo y de el Tiempo : compuesto por Ioan Paulo Gallucio Saloe[n]se, traducido de lengua latina en castellana, y anadido por Miguel Perez, capellan del Rey nuestro Senor en su Real Capilla de Granada. Impresso en Granada, en las casas del autor, por su industria, y a su costa : Por Sebastian Munoz, impressor de libros, Ano de 1606.
Pub Note:
Gallucci's Theater of Mvndo y de el Tiempo, a book on cosmography, astronomy and astrology, a survey on terrestrial and celestial physics to determine the star and zodiacal positions, the first modern celestial atlas because Gallucci used a coordinate system that allows the accurate determination of the star positions. Gallucci first published the book in Latin in 1588 as "Theatrum mundi et temporis" in Venice, it was translated into Spanish editions in 1606, 1611, 1614, 1616 and 1617, all of them printed in Granada, in the printing press of Sebastian Munoz. This is 2nd. edition, Spanish version of his Theatrum Mundo (“Theater of the World” ) in 369 pages, published in 1606, represents paper versions of the astrolabe, an instrument used to calculate the position of the stars and celestial bodies before the invention of the sextant, includes text, title page with vignette of coat of arms, dedication notes, astronomical illustrations, rotating volvelles with moving parts, tables, as well as depiction of the constellations and collection of mythologic figures. Bound in brown leather embossed covers with title " Theatro de Mvndo" on spine in gilt. Giovanni Paulo Gallucci an Italian Physicist and Cosmographer of the mid-sixteenth century, born in Salo in 1593 and died in Venice in 1621. He was founder of Academy of Venice, he invented an instrument allowing him to observe celestial phenomena day and night.
Pub List No:
Pub Type:
Geography Book
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Gallucci, Giovanni Paolo, 1538-1621; Perez, Miguel; Munoz, Sebastian

Circulo que Contiene las opactas que responden a los aureos numeros

Circulo que Contiene las opactas que responden a los aureos numeros