Desnos, Louis Charles
Short Title:
Carte Helio-Seleno-Geographique D'Europe Dans laquelle ou voit la Projection que l'ombre de la Lune tracera sur la surface de cette partie de notre Globe dans la celebre Eclipse centrale et annulaire du Soleil qui arrivera le 1r. Avril 1764 . .
Louis Charles Desnos
Publisher Location:
Separate Map
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Data Visualization
Full Title:
Carte Helio-Seleno-Geographique D'Europe Dans laquelle ou voit la Projection que l'ombre de la Lune tracera sur la surface de cette partie de notre Globe dans la celebre Eclipse centrale et annulaire du Soleil qui arrivera le 1r. Avril 1764 . .
List No:
Publication Author:
Desnos, Louis Charles
Pub Date:
Pub Title:
Carte Helio-Seleno-Geographique D'Europe Dans laquelle ou voit la Projection que l'ombre de la Lune tracera sur la surface de cette partie de notre Globe dans la celebre Eclipse centrale et annulaire du Soleil qui arrivera le 1r. Avril 1764 . .
Pub Note:
"Illustrating The Eclipse of April 1,1764 Fascinating eclipse map, utilizing a Sepia overprinting for the map of Europe, with the progressive intensity of the Solar Eclipse of April 1, 1764 shown. The map shows the projected path of the Moon's shadow across the surface of this part of the Earth during the notable central and annular solar eclipse that occurred on April 1, 1764. The title can be translated from French as: "Helio-Seleno-Geographical Map of Europe, in which is shown the Projection of the Shadow of the Moon on the surface of this part of our Globe during the famous central and annular Solar Eclipse that will occur on the 1st of April 1764." The map combines astronomy and geography to illustrate the interaction between the celestial bodies (the Sun and the Moon) and the Earth. The map illustrates the path of the eclipse as it passed over Europe, showing where and when the eclipse could be observed from the continent. The central and annular eclipse suggests that the eclipse would be annular along certain parts of the path, where the Moon would cover the center of the Sun, leaving a ring-like appearance, and central in others, indicating areas where a total eclipse could be observed. The map is apparently a pirated copy of the rare eclipse map of Nicole-Reine Lepaute, engraved by Madame Lattre and Madame Elisabeth Clare Tardieu, one of the few works of its kind published by a troika of women. Upon discovering the matter, the woment reported the matter to the Gendarmerie, who in turn seized an example of the troika's map on Desnos’s premises. Desnos blamed Giovanni Antonio Rizzi-Zannoni, who had in fact worked for and been paid for map designs by Lattre, without ever completing them. Desnos used the controversy to advertise his version of the map, claiming in the Journal de Trevoux, that Lattre’s accusations were defamatory, and offering his version of the map at less than half Lattre’s The map is extemely rare. We locate only the copy at the Bibliotheque National de France." (Ruderman, 2024)
Pub List No:
Pub Type:
Separate Map
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Desnos, Louis Charles