David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Laptev, A.M.
Short Title:
Text: 5 ПЯТИЛЕТКА (5 Five-Year Plan. Drawings and Layout by A. Laptev.)
GIZ (State Publishing House)
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Text Page
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Translation: Left Page: Artist Laptev came to Gosizdat and asked the editor: — Have you seen the Five-Year Plan? — What is it? — the editor didn't understand. — Have you seen the Five-Year Plan? — repeated the artist. — What a question! To see the construction of the Five-Year Plan, one must travel across the entire country. Is it possible to do that while sitting in Moscow? — It's possible, — said Laptev. — Interesting! — exclaimed the editor. — According to the Five-Year Plan, we will build new factories, plants, power stations. We will organize thousands of collective farms, print millions of books. Who will show this to me? — I will, — replied the artist. He placed this book on the editor's desk and said: — Here it is! Right Page: The Five-Year Plan was created by Gosplan. Many people worked on it — they thought, calculated, argued. In the end, they said: — The plan is ready! It was sent to workers' meetings — to discuss, decide, if we can handle such an enormous amount of work. The workers responded: — We will complete the Five-Year Plan in four years! Let's push! Over the factories, plants, mines, and villages, it was broadcasted on the radio: — We announce a socialist competition to fulfill the Five-Year Plan! We will provide the country with electricity, machines, tractors. We will make the USSR metallic!
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Full Title:
(Text page) 5 ПЯТИЛЕТКА (5 Five-Year Plan. Drawings and Layout by A. Laptev.)
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Publication Author:
Laptev, A.M.
Pub Date:
Pub Title:
5 ПЯТИЛЕТКА (5 Five-Year Plan. Drawings and Layout by A. Laptev.)
Pub Note:
"A fine copy of this rare complex Constructivist panorama produced by A.M. Laptev, a gifted Soviet avant-garde graphic artist and graduate of VKhUTEMAS-VEKhUTEIN. Created to promote the vast industrial progress of Stalin's Five Year Plan through maps, charts, "Isotypes" and flaps that fold out to form an engaging visual essay on the then current economic state of the USSR. The panorama can be read in two directions: "The reader finds three maps: one for the electrification of the country, the second for the construction of factories, and the last for the collectivization of farms. Through these maps, young readers become familiar with a synchronic view of the Five-Year Plan ... Turning the book over and starting from the back cover, the reader is presented with targets for ten aspects of Soviet industry: electricity, factory construction, iron, coal, oil, the chemical industry, bread production, forestry, transportation, and culture. Laptev illustrates the situation before the implementation of the 1927-28 Five-Year Plan with both the text and pictures. The reader is invited to open the flaps on the pages to unfold the dramatic changes caused by implementation of the Five-Year Plan in each of these industries" (Duda, Adventures in the Soviet Imaginary, U. of Chicago exhibition 2011, No. 1)." (Ursus Books, 2024)
Pub List No:
Pub Type:
Geography Book
Pub Height cm:
Pub Width cm:
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Laptev, A.M.

Text: 5 ПЯТИЛЕТКА (5 Five-Year Plan. Drawings and Layout by A. Laptev.)

Text: 5 ПЯТИЛЕТКА (5 Five-Year Plan. Drawings and Layout by A. Laptev.)