[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland von Rudolph von Habsburg bis Maximilian I. 1273 bis 1492. Von K. v. Spruner, Revision von Dr. Th. Menke. Gez. von B. Hassenstein. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 41. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1879.
List No
Map of Germany from Rudolph of Habsburg to Maximilian I. 1273 to 1492. With 9 insets.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland im Zeitraum der Reformation 1492 bis 1618. Von B. Hassenstein. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 43. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1875.
List No
Map of Germany at the time of the Reformation, 1492-1618. With 4 insets.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland zur Zeit des Dreissigjährigen Krieges 1618-1648. Von B. Hassenstein. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 44. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1875.
List No
Map of Germany at the time of the war, 1618-1648. With 12 insets.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Sudwest Deutschland : mit Elsass u. Ostl. Lothringen vor Ausbruch der franzosischen Revolution 1789. Entworfen von Th. Menke u. gez. von B. Hassenstein. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 47. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1873.
List No
Map of Southwest Germany with Alsace and eastern Lorraine in 1789.
Andriveau-Goujon, E. (Eugène), 1832-1897
Full Title
(13) Empire d’Allemagne et pays limitrophes. E. Andriveau-Goujon, éditeur, Rue du Bac, 4, Paris, 1880. Gravé chez L. Wuhrer, rue de l'Abbé de l'Epée 4; Imp. Monroco, Paris.
List No
Hand-colored, engraved map of Germany, showing showing political boundaries, roads, railroads and water routes (on double plate). Includes legend, as well as a bar scale and a scale statement. Features a table: Tableau des états de l'Empire d’Allemagne. "Atlas usuel, No. 15" and "Atlas universel, No. 30" in lower left.
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
Full Title
Prussia and the German States. Entered ... 1879 by S. Augustus Mitchell ... Washington. (1880)
List No
Hand colored. Relief shown by hachures. Shows political divisions, settlements, railroads, rivers, etc. Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington.
[Reymann, Daniel Gottfried, Flemming, Carl]
Full Title
223 Cham
List No
Date is the latest date in the series. The range of dates of the sheets is 1822 to 1865
[Reymann, Daniel Gottfried, Flemming, Carl]
Full Title
224 Klattau-Blatna
List No
Date is the latest date in the series. The range of dates of the sheets is 1822 to 1865
[Reymann, Daniel Gottfried, Flemming, Carl]
Full Title
243 Winterberg
List No
Digital image acquired from Deutsche Fotothek.
[Reymann, Daniel Gottfried, Flemming, Carl]
Full Title
259 Vilshofen
List No
Date is the latest date in the series. The range of dates of the sheets is 1822 to 1865
[Reymann, Daniel Gottfried, Flemming, Carl]
Full Title
278 Wien
List No
Digital image acquired from Deutsche Fotothek.
[Reymann, Daniel Gottfried, Flemming, Carl]
Full Title
293 Neuchatel
List No
Digital image acquired from Deutsche Fotothek.
[Reymann, Daniel Gottfried, Flemming, Carl]
Full Title
300 Zell
List No
Digital image acquired from Deutsche Fotothek.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland's Gaue : I. Nordliches Lothringen. Friesland. Von Th. Menke. Gezeichnet von G. Breithaupt. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 31. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1873.
List No
Map of the Northern Lorraine and Friesland regions. With 2 insets: Scalvania and Nordalbinger Limes Saxonicus.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland's Gaue : II. Mittleres Lothringen. Von Th. Menke. Gezeichnet von G. Breithaupt. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 32. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1873.
List No
Map of the Central Lorraine region. With inset: Verdun.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland's Gaue : III Sachsen. Nordliches Thuringen. Von Th. Menke. Gez. von F. Hein. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 33. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1873.
List No
Map of the Saxony, northern Thuringia.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland's Gaue : IV Sudliches Thuringen. Franken. Von Th. Menke. Gezeichnet von G. Breithaupt. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 34. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1875.
List No
Map of Southern Thuringia, Franconia.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland's Gaue : V Schwaben. Von Th. Menke. Gezeichnet von F. Hein. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 35. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1875.
List No
Map of Swabia. region. With inset: Sudwestliches Gaue Lothringen.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland's Gaue : VI. Baiern. Österreich. Kärnten. Von Th. Menke. Gezeichnet von G. Breithaupt. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 36. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1875.
List No
Map of Bavaria, Austria, Karinthia.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland : vom Anfange des X Jahrhunderts bis 1137. Von Theodor Menke. Gezeichnet von G. Breithaupt. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 37. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1875.
List No
Map of Germany from the start of the 10th. century to 1137.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland : zur Zeit der Hohenstaufen und bis 1273. Von Theodor Menke. Gez. v. F. Hein. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 38. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1879.
List No
Map of Germany at the time of the Hohenstaufens, to 1273.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Nordliches Deutschland : Freisland, Sachsen, Lothringen Hessen Thuringen &c gegen Anfang des XIII Jahrhunderts. Von K. v. Spruner, Revision v. Th. Menke. Gezeichnet von B. Hassenstein. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 39. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1879.
List No
Map of Northern Germany: Freisland, Saxony, Lorraine, Hesse, Thuringia at the start of the 13th century. With 6 insets.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Sudliches Deutschland : Franken, Süd-Lothringen, Burgund Schwaben, Baiern &c gegen Anfang des XIII. Jahrhunderts. Von K. v. Spruner, Revision v. Th. Menke. Gez. von F. Hein. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 40. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1879.
List No
Map of Southern Germany: Franconia, Southern Lorraine, Burgundy, Swabia etc. at the start of the 13th century. With 3 insets.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland nach seiner kirchlichen Eintheilung von der Mitte des XI Jahrhunderts bis zur Reformation. Von Th. Menke. Gez. von F. Hein. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 42. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1873.
List No
Map of the ecclesiastical divisions of Germany. With 3 insets.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland nach dem Westphälischen Frieden bis 1742. Von B. Hassenstein. Druck v. C. Hellfarth. Gotha. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 45. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1874.
List No
Map of Germany from the Peace of Westphalia to 1742. With 7 insets.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland zur Zeit Friedrichs d. grossen und bis zum Reichsdeputationshauptschluss 1742 bis 1803. Bearbeitet u. Gezeichnet v. B. Hassenstein. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 46. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1872.
List No
Map of Germany from 1742 to 1803. With 21 insets of maps and city plans.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland von Ende 1807 bis 1815. Von Th. Menke. Bearbeitet u. Gezeichnet v. B. Hassenstein. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 48. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1872.
List No
Map of Germany from the end of 1807 to 1815. With 17 inset maps and city plans.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland zur Zeit des deutschen Bundes 1815 bis 1866. Entworfen von Th. Menke, gez. v. B. Hassenstein. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 49. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1872.
List No
Map of Germany at the time of the German Federation, 1815- 1866. With 9 insets.
[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]
Full Title
Deutschland 1866-1871 : von der Gründung des Norddeutschen Bundes im Frieden zu Prag 23 Aug. 1866 bis zur Constituirung des Deutschen Reichs in Versailles 18. Januar 1871 und dem Frieden zu Frankfurt a/m. 10 Mai 1871. Entw. u. gez. v. B. H. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 50. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1876.
List No
Map of Germany 1866-1871. With 6 inset city plans and maps.
[Sonnenschein, W. Swan, Allen, Bevan, G.P.]
Full Title
Germany. W. Swan Sonnenschein & Allen's Plastic School Atlas.
List No
Raised relief. List of Provinces of Prussia keyed to map.
[Sonnenschein, W. Swan, Allen, Bevan, G.P.]
Full Title
Germany. W. Swan Sonnenschein & Allen's Plastic School Atlas.
List No
Image rescanned with directional lighting to highlight raised relief. List of Provinces of Prussia keyed to map.
Stieler, Adolf
Full Title
Stieler's Hand-Atlas No. 17. Deutschland Ubersicht des Deutschen Reichs.
List No
[Stieler, Adolf, Vogel, C.]
Full Title
Stieler's Hand-Atlas No. 19. Deutsche Reich in 4 Blattern. Blatt 1. (inset) Das Ruhrkohlen Geibet.
List No
[Stieler, Adolf, Vogel, C.]
Full Title
Stieler's Hand-Atlas No. 21. Deutsche Reich in 4 Blattern. Blatt 3.
List No
Stieler, Adolf
Full Title
Stieler's Hand-Atlas No. 23. Sachsen, Thuringen und Benachbarte Laender.
List No
Colton, G.W.
Full Title
Colton's Germany No. 1. The Eastern Provinces of Prussia and Saxony.
List No
Colton, G.W.
Full Title
Colton's Germany No. 2. (insets) Hamburg. Bremen.
List No
Colton, G.W.
Full Title
Colton's Germany No. 3.
List No
Colton, G.W.
Full Title
Colton's Germany No. 4.
List No
Johnson, Alvin Jewett, 1827-1884.
Full Title
Johnson's Empire of Germany. Published by Alvin J. Johnson & Son, New York. Entered ... 1866, by A.J. Johnson ... New York. (to accompany) Johnson's New Illustrated Family Atlas Of The World ... MDCCCLXXX (1880). (inset) North Eastern Prussia.
List No
Engraved hand colored in outline map. Shows administrative boundaries, capital cities, cities, towns, villages, roads, railroads, forts, canals, mountains and rivers. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians are Greenwich and Washington.
Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme
Full Title
Sheet 44. Stolpmunde. Karte des Deutschen Reiches.
List No
Mounted on linen in 4 panels. Edition of 1880. Publishing bookstore and distributor: R. Eisenschmidt, Verlags-Buchhandlung. Haupt-Vertrieb der Karten der Konigl. Landes-Aufnahme. Armee- und Marine-Haus. Berlin N.W., 7. Comparing our sheets to those at the Library of Congress shows that most of our sheets were published 5 to 10 years before the stamped acquisition date. A few sheets are duplicated and placed under similar list numbers. This map series is remarkable for the level of fine detail. As a consequence, it was scanned at 800 PPI providing four times the resolution of the typical detailed map scan of 400 PPI. At least ten separate symbols for special buildings were utilized, a method enhanced by placing an abbreviation next to the symbol. Structures with special symbols include: churches, chapels, monuments, windmills, water mills, stamp mills, forester's lodges, watchtowers, ruins, forts, quarries, clay pits, lime kilns, and coke-ovens. Factories, brick works, powder magazines electric power plants, and many other important buildings are differentiated by means of abbreviation. Houses appear as black blocks, either rectangular or shaped like the ground plan of the building. Many other features are differentiated, for example there are four different qualities of roads plus bridle paths and footpaths. Vegetation is minutely classified including separate symbols for broadleaf trees, evergreens, underbrush, heather, dry meadows, wet meadows, swamps, orchards, gardens, vineyards, and parks. Relief is shown by hachures. Spot elevations are given in meters above sea level.
Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme
Full Title
(Composite of) Sheet 44. Stolpmunde. Karte des Deutschen Reiches.
List No
Separate panels are joined in this composite image. Mounted on linen in 4 panels. Edition of 1880. Publishing bookstore and distributor: R. Eisenschmidt, Verlags-Buchhandlung. Haupt-Vertrieb der Karten der Konigl. Landes-Aufnahme. Armee- und Marine-Haus. Berlin N.W., 7. Comparing our sheets to those at the Library of Congress shows that most of our sheets were published 5 to 10 years before the stamped acquisition date. A few sheets are duplicated and placed under similar list numbers. This map series is remarkable for the level of fine detail. As a consequence, it was scanned at 800 PPI providing four times the resolution of the typical detailed map scan of 400 PPI. At least ten separate symbols for special buildings were utilized, a method enhanced by placing an abbreviation next to the symbol. Structures with special symbols include: churches, chapels, monuments, windmills, water mills, stamp mills, forester's lodges, watchtowers, ruins, forts, quarries, clay pits, lime kilns, and coke-ovens. Factories, brick works, powder magazines electric power plants, and many other important buildings are differentiated by means of abbreviation. Houses appear as black blocks, either rectangular or shaped like the ground plan of the building. Many other features are differentiated, for example there are four different qualities of roads plus bridle paths and footpaths. Vegetation is minutely classified including separate symbols for broadleaf trees, evergreens, underbrush, heather, dry meadows, wet meadows, swamps, orchards, gardens, vineyards, and parks. Relief is shown by hachures. Spot elevations are given in meters above sea level.
Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme
Full Title
Sheet 58. Kiel. Karte des Deutschen Reiches.
List No
Mounted on linen in 4 panels. Publishing bookstore and distributor: R. Eisenschmidt, Verlags-Buchhandlung. Haupt-Vertrieb der Karten der Konigl. Landes-Aufnahme. Armee- und Marine-Haus. Berlin N.W., 7. Comparing our sheets to those at the Library of Congress shows that most of our sheets were published 5 to 10 years before the stamped acquisition date. A few sheets are duplicated and placed under similar list numbers. This map series is remarkable for the level of fine detail. As a consequence, it was scanned at 800 PPI providing four times the resolution of the typical detailed map scan of 400 PPI. At least ten separate symbols for special buildings were utilized, a method enhanced by placing an abbreviation next to the symbol. Structures with special symbols include: churches, chapels, monuments, windmills, water mills, stamp mills, forester's lodges, watchtowers, ruins, forts, quarries, clay pits, lime kilns, and coke-ovens. Factories, brick works, powder magazines electric power plants, and many other important buildings are differentiated by means of abbreviation. Houses appear as black blocks, either rectangular or shaped like the ground plan of the building. Many other features are differentiated, for example there are four different qualities of roads plus bridle paths and footpaths. Vegetation is minutely classified including separate symbols for broadleaf trees, evergreens, underbrush, heather, dry meadows, wet meadows, swamps, orchards, gardens, vineyards, and parks. Relief is shown by hachures. Spot elevations are given in meters above sea level.
Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme
Full Title
(Composite of) Sheet 58. Kiel. Karte des Deutschen Reiches.
List No
Separate panels are joined in this composite image. Mounted on linen in 4 panels. Publishing bookstore and distributor: R. Eisenschmidt, Verlags-Buchhandlung. Haupt-Vertrieb der Karten der Konigl. Landes-Aufnahme. Armee- und Marine-Haus. Berlin N.W., 7. Comparing our sheets to those at the Library of Congress shows that most of our sheets were published 5 to 10 years before the stamped acquisition date. A few sheets are duplicated and placed under similar list numbers. This map series is remarkable for the level of fine detail. As a consequence, it was scanned at 800 PPI providing four times the resolution of the typical detailed map scan of 400 PPI. At least ten separate symbols for special buildings were utilized, a method enhanced by placing an abbreviation next to the symbol. Structures with special symbols include: churches, chapels, monuments, windmills, water mills, stamp mills, forester's lodges, watchtowers, ruins, forts, quarries, clay pits, lime kilns, and coke-ovens. Factories, brick works, powder magazines electric power plants, and many other important buildings are differentiated by means of abbreviation. Houses appear as black blocks, either rectangular or shaped like the ground plan of the building. Many other features are differentiated, for example there are four different qualities of roads plus bridle paths and footpaths. Vegetation is minutely classified including separate symbols for broadleaf trees, evergreens, underbrush, heather, dry meadows, wet meadows, swamps, orchards, gardens, vineyards, and parks. Relief is shown by hachures. Spot elevations are given in meters above sea level.
Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme
Full Title
Sheet 328. Bocholt. Karte des Deutschen Reiches.
List No
Mounted on linen in 4 panels. Edition of 1880. Publishing bookstore and distributor: R. Eisenschmidt, Verlags-Buchhandlung. Haupt-Vertrieb der Karten der Kgl. Landes-Aufnahme. Armee- und Marine-Haus. Berlin N.W., 7. Comparing our sheets to those at the Library of Congress shows that most of our sheets were published 5 to 10 years before the stamped acquisition date. A few sheets are duplicated and placed under similar list numbers. This map series is remarkable for the level of fine detail. As a consequence, it was scanned at 800 PPI providing four times the resolution of the typical detailed map scan of 400 PPI. At least ten separate symbols for special buildings were utilized, a method enhanced by placing an abbreviation next to the symbol. Structures with special symbols include: churches, chapels, monuments, windmills, water mills, stamp mills, forester's lodges, watchtowers, ruins, forts, quarries, clay pits, lime kilns, and coke-ovens. Factories, brick works, powder magazines electric power plants, and many other important buildings are differentiated by means of abbreviation. Houses appear as black blocks, either rectangular or shaped like the ground plan of the building. Many other features are differentiated, for example there are four different qualities of roads plus bridle paths and footpaths. Vegetation is minutely classified including separate symbols for broadleaf trees, evergreens, underbrush, heather, dry meadows, wet meadows, swamps, orchards, gardens, vineyards, and parks. Relief is shown by hachures. Spot elevations are given in meters above sea level.
Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme
Full Title
(Composite of) Sheet 328. Bocholt. Karte des Deutschen Reiches.
List No
Separate panels are joined in this composite image. Mounted on linen in 4 panels. Edition of 1880. Publishing bookstore and distributor: R. Eisenschmidt, Verlags-Buchhandlung. Haupt-Vertrieb der Karten der Kgl. Landes-Aufnahme. Armee- und Marine-Haus. Berlin N.W., 7. Comparing our sheets to those at the Library of Congress shows that most of our sheets were published 5 to 10 years before the stamped acquisition date. A few sheets are duplicated and placed under similar list numbers. This map series is remarkable for the level of fine detail. As a consequence, it was scanned at 800 PPI providing four times the resolution of the typical detailed map scan of 400 PPI. At least ten separate symbols for special buildings were utilized, a method enhanced by placing an abbreviation next to the symbol. Structures with special symbols include: churches, chapels, monuments, windmills, water mills, stamp mills, forester's lodges, watchtowers, ruins, forts, quarries, clay pits, lime kilns, and coke-ovens. Factories, brick works, powder magazines electric power plants, and many other important buildings are differentiated by means of abbreviation. Houses appear as black blocks, either rectangular or shaped like the ground plan of the building. Many other features are differentiated, for example there are four different qualities of roads plus bridle paths and footpaths. Vegetation is minutely classified including separate symbols for broadleaf trees, evergreens, underbrush, heather, dry meadows, wet meadows, swamps, orchards, gardens, vineyards, and parks. Relief is shown by hachures. Spot elevations are given in meters above sea level.
Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme
Full Title
Sheet 329. Koesfeld. Karte des Deutschen Reiches.
List No
Mounted on linen in 4 panels. Comparing our sheets to those at the Library of Congress shows that most of our sheets were published 5 to 10 years before the stamped acquisition date. A few sheets are duplicated and placed under similar list numbers. This map series is remarkable for the level of fine detail. As a consequence, it was scanned at 800 PPI providing four times the resolution of the typical detailed map scan of 400 PPI. At least ten separate symbols for special buildings were utilized, a method enhanced by placing an abbreviation next to the symbol. Structures with special symbols include: churches, chapels, monuments, windmills, water mills, stamp mills, forester's lodges, watchtowers, ruins, forts, quarries, clay pits, lime kilns, and coke-ovens. Factories, brick works, powder magazines electric power plants, and many other important buildings are differentiated by means of abbreviation. Houses appear as black blocks, either rectangular or shaped like the ground plan of the building. Many other features are differentiated, for example there are four different qualities of roads plus bridle paths and footpaths. Vegetation is minutely classified including separate symbols for broadleaf trees, evergreens, underbrush, heather, dry meadows, wet meadows, swamps, orchards, gardens, vineyards, and parks. Relief is shown by hachures. Spot elevations are given in meters above sea level.
Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme
Full Title
(Composite of) Sheet 329. Koesfeld. Karte des Deutschen Reiches.
List No
Separate panels are joined in this composite image. Mounted on linen in 4 panels. Comparing our sheets to those at the Library of Congress shows that most of our sheets were published 5 to 10 years before the stamped acquisition date. A few sheets are duplicated and placed under similar list numbers. This map series is remarkable for the level of fine detail. As a consequence, it was scanned at 800 PPI providing four times the resolution of the typical detailed map scan of 400 PPI. At least ten separate symbols for special buildings were utilized, a method enhanced by placing an abbreviation next to the symbol. Structures with special symbols include: churches, chapels, monuments, windmills, water mills, stamp mills, forester's lodges, watchtowers, ruins, forts, quarries, clay pits, lime kilns, and coke-ovens. Factories, brick works, powder magazines electric power plants, and many other important buildings are differentiated by means of abbreviation. Houses appear as black blocks, either rectangular or shaped like the ground plan of the building. Many other features are differentiated, for example there are four different qualities of roads plus bridle paths and footpaths. Vegetation is minutely classified including separate symbols for broadleaf trees, evergreens, underbrush, heather, dry meadows, wet meadows, swamps, orchards, gardens, vineyards, and parks. Relief is shown by hachures. Spot elevations are given in meters above sea level.
Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme
Full Title
Sheet 396. Bunzlau. Karte des Deutschen Reiches.
List No
Mounted on linen in 4 panels. Edition of 1880. Publishing bookstore and distributor: R. Eisenschmidt, Verlags-Buchhandlung. Haupt-Vertrieb der Karten der Konigl. Landes-Aufnahme. Armee- und Marine-Haus. Berlin N.W., 7. Comparing our sheets to those at the Library of Congress shows that most of our sheets were published 5 to 10 years before the stamped acquisition date. A few sheets are duplicated and placed under similar list numbers. This map series is remarkable for the level of fine detail. As a consequence, it was scanned at 800 PPI providing four times the resolution of the typical detailed map scan of 400 PPI. At least ten separate symbols for special buildings were utilized, a method enhanced by placing an abbreviation next to the symbol. Structures with special symbols include: churches, chapels, monuments, windmills, water mills, stamp mills, forester's lodges, watchtowers, ruins, forts, quarries, clay pits, lime kilns, and coke-ovens. Factories, brick works, powder magazines electric power plants, and many other important buildings are differentiated by means of abbreviation. Houses appear as black blocks, either rectangular or shaped like the ground plan of the building. Many other features are differentiated, for example there are four different qualities of roads plus bridle paths and footpaths. Vegetation is minutely classified including separate symbols for broadleaf trees, evergreens, underbrush, heather, dry meadows, wet meadows, swamps, orchards, gardens, vineyards, and parks. Relief is shown by hachures. Spot elevations are given in meters above sea level.
Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme
Full Title
(Composite of) Sheet 396. Bunzlau. Karte des Deutschen Reiches.
List No
Separate panels are joined in this composite image. Mounted on linen in 4 panels. Edition of 1880. Publishing bookstore and distributor: R. Eisenschmidt, Verlags-Buchhandlung. Haupt-Vertrieb der Karten der Konigl. Landes-Aufnahme. Armee- und Marine-Haus. Berlin N.W., 7. Comparing our sheets to those at the Library of Congress shows that most of our sheets were published 5 to 10 years before the stamped acquisition date. A few sheets are duplicated and placed under similar list numbers. This map series is remarkable for the level of fine detail. As a consequence, it was scanned at 800 PPI providing four times the resolution of the typical detailed map scan of 400 PPI. At least ten separate symbols for special buildings were utilized, a method enhanced by placing an abbreviation next to the symbol. Structures with special symbols include: churches, chapels, monuments, windmills, water mills, stamp mills, forester's lodges, watchtowers, ruins, forts, quarries, clay pits, lime kilns, and coke-ovens. Factories, brick works, powder magazines electric power plants, and many other important buildings are differentiated by means of abbreviation. Houses appear as black blocks, either rectangular or shaped like the ground plan of the building. Many other features are differentiated, for example there are four different qualities of roads plus bridle paths and footpaths. Vegetation is minutely classified including separate symbols for broadleaf trees, evergreens, underbrush, heather, dry meadows, wet meadows, swamps, orchards, gardens, vineyards, and parks. Relief is shown by hachures. Spot elevations are given in meters above sea level.