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Geological Survey (U.S.)
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Cultural complexities before 5000 B. C. -- Cultural complexities 4000-1000 B. C. -- Cultural complexities 500-500 A. D. -- Cultural complexities 500-1300 A. D.
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Four historical maps representing the United States, featuring prehistoric sites and cultural complexities, from before 5000 B. C. to .1300 A. D. Maps show territories of indigenous peoples over time, archeological sites, bodies of water, coastlines and islands. Maps include legends, as well as scale statements. Colored lithograph. With two inset maps within each map: Principal islands of Hawaii -- Alaska. Colored lithograph. Together, maps are 31 x 31 cm, on sheet 49 x 35 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text, with references. (Date taken from text.) In addition, includes text to the Historical maps that follow on pages 130-151. Maps appear in Special subject maps section, subsection History.
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