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Composite: North America, West India Islands. Pownall, Thomas, 1786

Composite: North America, West India Islands. / Pownall, Thomas / 1786
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Full Title: (Composite of) A new map of North America, with the West India Islands. Divided according to the Preliminary Articles of Peace, signed at Versailles, 20. Jan. 1783, wherein are particularly distinguished the United States, and the several provices, governments &ca. which compose the British Dominions; laid down according to the latest surveys, and corrected from the original materials, of Goverr. Pownall, Membr. of Parliamt., 1783. London, printed for Robt. Sayer, Map, Chart & Printseller, no. 53, Fleet Street, as the Act directs August 15th 1786.

Author: Pownall, Thomas

Date: 1786

This historical cartographic image is part of the David Rumsey Historical Map Collection, www.davidrumsey.com, a large collection of online antique, rare, old, and historical maps, atlases, globes, charts, and other cartographic items. Read more about the Collection. Or you can view the entire David Rumsey Map Collection in Insight.

Full David Rumsey Map Collection Catalog Record:

Author: Pownall, Thomas

Date: 1786

Short Title: Composite: North America, West India Islands.

Publisher: London: Robert Sayer

Type: Atlas Map

Object Height cm: 102

Object Width cm: 117

Scale 1: 5,300,000

Note: Engraved map in outline color. Printed on 4 sheets. Shows forests, banks, forts, Native American villages, trading posts, mines, salt pits, sailing courses, etc. Relief shown pictorially. Includes 2 inset maps: A passage by land to California. Discovered by Father Eusebius Francis Kino, a Jesuit, between the years 1698 and 1701 before which and for a considerable time since California has always been described in all charts & maps as an island -- A particular map of Baffin and Hudson's Bay. and geographic notes on map. Includes geographic notes on map, and "Article III" of the Treaty. Prime meridians: Ferro and London. David Rumsey Collection copy mounted as 2 sheets. (W 116--W 45/N 55--N 5)

Reference: P4300; Lowery, 657; cf Wheat, 196 (1783 ed.)

World Area: North America

Full Title: (Composite of) A new map of North America, with the West India Islands. Divided according to the Preliminary Articles of Peace, signed at Versailles, 20. Jan. 1783, wherein are particularly distinguished the United States, and the several provices, governments &ca. which compose the British Dominions; laid down according to the latest surveys, and corrected from the original materials, of Goverr. Pownall, Membr. of Parliamt., 1783. London, printed for Robt. Sayer, Map, Chart & Printseller, no. 53, Fleet Street, as the Act directs August 15th 1786.

List No: 0411.042

Page No: 30-31

Series No: 44

Published In: A general atlas, describing the whole universe: being a complete collection of the most approved maps extant; corrected with the greatest care, and augmented from the latest discoveries. The whole being an improvement of the maps of D'Anville and Robert. Engraved in the best manner on sixty-two copper-plates, by Thomas Kitchin, Senior, and Others. London: printed For Robert Sayer, no. 53, Fleet-Street, (1790).

Publication Author: Kitchin, Thomas

Publication Date: 1790

Publication Reference: P4300.

Publication Note: Late issue. Many of the maps are double sheet. This atlas was later expanded to become the New Universal Atlas (see David Rumsey Collection copy). Some of these maps also appeared in the American Atlas by Jefferys. There are actually 23 large maps, on 35 connected sheets, produced from 62 copper plates. Maps are hand painted with outline and full color and bound in half leather tan marbled paper covered boards with "General Atlas" stamped in gold on the spine. Inscription inside front cover in pen-and-ink: R. Sayer pub, 53 Fleet ... 8th, 1791 ...

Publication List No: 0411.000

Publication Type: World Atlas

Publication Maps: 35

Publication Height cm: 55

Publication Width cm: 41

Image No: 0411042

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