Luna Imaging® Cartography Associates, David Rumsey
Insight® Visual Collections—images of art, history and culture
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Insight Collection Registry
Recent Additions

August 24, 2006
The Samek Art Gallery Collection contains selected images from the permanent collection of Bucknell University's Samek Art Gllery.
Kansas Wildflower Collection the Kansas Biological Survey Kansas Wildflowers database and a small sample of fossil images, with links to 3D images, from the Division of Invertebrate Paleontology of KU’s Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center (NHM/BRC).

July 13, 2006
Pennsylvania Covered Bridges from Bucknell University contains images of Pennsylvania covered bridges reproduced from slides, negatives, and original photographs taken by Dr. Nelson F. Davis, Professor of Biology at Bucknell University from 1898-1939.

April 1, 2006
206 maps added to Japanese Historical Map Collection

March 22, 2006
The Pratt Institute has added four new collections:

  • Pratt Institute Archives Negative Collection depicts the history of Pratt and the changes that it underwent from the late 1950s through the mid-1970s. The collection is particularly notable for its examples of student work in art, architecture, fashion, and industrial design.
  • Pratt Institute Archives Photograph Collection consists of photographs of Pratt Institute in all its many facets.
  • Pratt Institute Ex Libris Collection depicts the history of Pratt and the changes that it underwent from the late 1950s through the mid-1970s. The collection is particularly notable for its examples of student work in art, architecture, fashion, and industrial design.
  • Pratt Institute Fashion Plate Collection depicts the history of Pratt and the changes that it underwent from the late 1950s through the mid-1970s. The collection is particularly notable for its examples of student work in art, architecture, fashion, and industrial design.

The John Rylands University Library, University of Manchester has added three new collections:

March 21, 2006
The David Rumsey Map Collection added 1,048 New Maps. Read more

October 15, 2005
John Carter Brown Library from Brown University contains graphic representations of the colonial Americas, from Hudson Bay to Tierra del Fuego, drawn entirely from primary sources printed or created between 1492 and ca. 1825.

March 18 , 2005
Catena-Historic Gardens and Landscapes Archive from Bard Graduate Center contains images of garden history and landscape studies.

Allentown Art Museum focuses on European art (1300 – 1700), American fine and decorative arts (1780 – Present), and sculpture from India.

February 14 , 2005
New Jersey Maps from Rutgers University contains maps from the New Jersey Environmental Digital Library Project.

Art History Public from Rutgers University contains images illustrating aspects of city planning from the Edward Wilkens Collection, especially views of New Brunswick and Rutgers University.

November 22, 2004
687 images added to the Japanese Historical Map Collection.

November 15, 2004
The David Rumsey Map Collection added 1,035 new maps. Read More

August 27, 2004
Stanford's Maps of Africa and Geological Survey collections are now available for viewing in the Insight Browser.

June 1, 2004
Object Lessons from the University of Edinburgh contains images and their detailed descriptions from an exhibition held at the Talbot Rice Gallery detailing the cultural identity of the University of Edinburgh.

April 1, 2004
The David Rumsey Map Collection added 1,218 New Maps. Read more

Coming Soon

  • Rutgers Institute for Jazz Studies Collection
  • Napoleonic Caricatures Collection from Brown University
  • National Palace Museum Collection from Cartography Associates
    and Lee & Lee Communications


Cartography Associates, David Rumsey