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AMICA, Cartography
Over 108,000 images
Category: Fine Arts
The AMICA Library contains works of art from
the collections of prominent museums worldwide. Cultures and
time periods range from contemporary art, Native American and
Inuit art, to ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian works, along
with Japanese and Chinese works. Types of works include paintings,
sculptures, drawings, prints, and photographs, as well as textiles,
costumes, jewelry, decorative art, books and manuscripts. This
is a subscription based collection.
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Collection Site
Museums & the Online Archive of California
Free, Unlimited Access
Over 77,000 images
Category: Fine Arts
collection is comprised of selected works from the permanent collections
of eight California museums: Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive;
Japanese American National Museum; Oakland Museum of California; Phoebe
Hearst Museum
of Anthropology, UC Berkeley; Bancroft Library,
UC Berkeley; Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, UCLA; Fowler Museum
of Cultural History, UCLA; California
Museum of Photography, UC Riverside.
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Collection Site
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell Library
Free, Educational Use Only
Over 20,000 images
Category: Fine Arts
The Herbert
F. Johnson Museum has one of the finest collections of art in New York
State and is recognized as one of the most important university
museums in the
country. Spanning the history of art, the Museum's collections are especially
strong in Asian Art, nineteenth and twentieth-century American art, and
the graphic arts. Images are available in thumbnail and zoom level 2
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Collection Site
American Antiquarian
Society, Cartography Associates
Free, Unlimited Access
13,527 images
Category: Other
The Farber Gravestone Collection is an unusual resource documenting gravestone
sculpture, mostly prior to 1800. The late Daniel Farber of Worcester, Massachusetts,
and his wife, Jessie Lie Farber, were responsible for the largest portion of
the collection. These early stones are both a significant form of artistic
creation and precious records of biographical information, such as name, death
date of the deceased, stone location, and information concerning the stone
material, iconography, the inscription, and (when known) the carver.
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Collection Site
Cartography Associates
Free, Unlimited Access
Over 13,600 images
Category: Cartography The David Rumsey Collection focuses on 18th and 19th century North and South American cartographic materials. The collection includes atlases, globes, school geographies, maritime charts, and a variety of separate maps including pocket, wall, children's and manuscript maps. The online selection is an expanding cross section of images designed to highlight the depth and breadth of the collection. The digital images and associated descriptive data are © Cartography Associates.
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Collection Site
University of Illinois,
Free, Unlimited Access
9,321 images
Category: Photography
The Comer Archive of Chicago in the Year 2000 (CITY2000) includes photographs
created in the year 2000 with the support of the not-for-profit Comer
Foundation. They document every feature of a vibrant metropolis through
its millennial year. More than 200 photographers recorded the people
of Chicago in every feature of their public and social lives as well
as the buildings and landscape they occupied.
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Collection Site
Stanford University
Free, Educational Use Only
7,648 images
Category: Other
During his lifetime, the Jesuit polymath Athanasius Kircher (16021680) was widely regarded as the physical embodiment of all the learning of his age. Kircher had over 760 correspondents, including scientists, physicians, Jesuit missionaries, two Holy Roman Emperors, popes, and potentates throughout the globe. His correspondence is of particular interest for the history of early modern science and technique. Kircher also harnessed the network of Jesuit missionaries to carry out natural observations and experiments on a global scale.
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Collection Site
University of South
Florida, Tampa
Free, Educational use only
5,078 images
Category: Photography
Centro Asturiano, a mutual aid society formed in 1902 in Ybor City, provided its Spanish, Cuban, and Italian members with medical care, continuing education, and emergency assistance. The club and its members played a vital role in the social, economic, and cultural development of the Tampa Bay area.
The collection includes photographs, organizational and financial ledgers, membership records, official minutes, and documents of the cemetery, hospital, and theater.
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Collection Site
The John Rylands University Library, University of Manchester
Free, Educational Use Only
3,623 images
Category: Other
The Rylands Collection holds outstanding collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives. Spanning five millennia, the manuscript collections include literary, historical, antiquarian, genealogical, biblical, devotional, ritualistic, medical, scientific, legal and administrative texts. The printed book collections encompass almost all the landmarks of printing through five centuries, including magnificent illustrated books, examples of fine printing, landmark works in typography, key historical texts and exquisite bookbindings.
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Collection Site
University of Edinburgh
Free, Unlimited Access
3,558 images
Category: Cartography
The Charting the Nation image collection includes a wide variety of single maps and maps in atlases and other bound books, together with important manuscript and printed texts relating to the geography and mapping of Scotland from 1550 to 1740 and beyond. The site contains invaluable source materials for the study of the history of cartography, architectural history, genealogy, military history, environmental history and archaeology, amongst many other disciplines.
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Collection Site
Alliance For The Arts
Free, Unlimited Access
Over 3,000 images
Category: Fine Arts
The Estate Collection is a database of high quality images representing the works
of artists with HIV/AIDS. With the ability to find and see these works of art
in detail, the Estate Project will ensure continued access, presentation, and
study of the cultural legacy created by the artistic community during the AIDS
crisis. The images are drawn from the collections of Visual AIDS, Visual AIDS/Boston,
Visual Aid/San Francisco, and the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Center.
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Collection Site
University of South
Florida, Tampa
Free, Unlimited Access
2,882 images
Category: Photography
The photographs of commercial photographers Robertson and Fresh cover
the Tampa area from the 1930’s to the 1960’s.
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Collection Site
University of South
Florida, Tampa
Free, Unlimited Access
2,701 images
Category: Other
The Hampton Dunn Postcard collection contains scenes from early twentieth century Florida conveying a sense of what earlier times looked like, or may have looked like, displaying color images of street scenes, natural vistas, and Floridians at work and play.
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Collection Site
Brown University
Free, Educational Use Only
2,268 images
Category: Other
A database of graphic representations of the colonial Americas, from Hudson Bay to Tierra del Fuego, drawn entirely from primary sources printed or created between 1492 and ca. 1825.
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Cornell University
Free, Educational use only
2,200 images
Category: Other
The Cornell
University Collection of Political Americana is comprised of Presidential
promotional and commemorative items dating from 1789 to 1980. The collection
contains political materials in a variety of
formats, including cartoons, prints, and posters; lapel buttons, ribbons,
hats, and other costume items; ballets, broadsides, leaflets, and other
ephemera; pamphlets and other formal publications; sheet music and songbooks;
and three-dimensional items. Elections from 1832 to 1960
are particularly well represented.
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Collection Site
Rutgers University
Free, Unlimited Access
Over 2,000 images
Category: Fine Arts
A collection of images provided by the Art History department at Rutgers University for educational use. Includes views illustrating aspects of city planning from the Edward Wilkens Collection, especially views of New Brunswick and Rutgers University.
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Collection Site
Cornell University
Free, Educational Use Only
1,780 images
Category: Fine Arts
The Claire Holt Papers contains slides which were created for the Cornell Indonesian Arts Project to document Indonesian art, architecture, ceremonies, landscapes, painting, people, sculpture, textiles, and theater. Claire Holt traveled to Indonesia in 1930 where she studied dance, worked with anthropologist Willem Stutterheim, and then assisted Swedish dance archivist and patron Rolf de Mare with his photo and film record of Indonesian dance. She came to Cornell University where, in 1962, she helped found the Modern Indonesia Project.
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Collection Site
Cornell University
Free, Educational Use Only
1,264 images
Category: Other
Images from the Cornell University Library’s Division of Rare and Manuscript
Collections is a growing collection of digital reproductions of visual material
in rare books, manuscripts and archival collections, including the Cornell University
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Collection Site
Cornell University
Free, Educational use only
1,230 images
Category: Architecture
Andrew Dickson White (1832-1918), the first president of Cornell University,
established the Architectural Photographs Collection by donating images of nineteenth-
and early twentieth-century architecture, decorative arts and sculpture from
his personal architectural library.
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Collection Site
The Bard Graduate Center
Free, Educational use only
1,111 images
Category: Architecture
Catena, the Digital
Archive of Historic Gardens and Landscapes, is a collection of historic
and contemporary images, including plans, engravings, and photographs,
intended to support research and teaching in the fields of garden
history and landscape studies. Created through the collaborative
efforts of landscape historians and institutions, the initial offering of images
is focused on the Villas as a Landscape Type.
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Collection Site
University of South
Florida, Tampa
Free, Unlimited Access
942 images
Category: Photography The Earl R. Jacobs III collection documents the growth of St Petersburg from the 1920’s to the 1960’s. Photographer Francis G. Wagner (18911975), came to St. Petersburg in the winter of 1914, where he opened St. Petersburg’s first camera store, the Strand Camera Shop two years later. The Wagners sold the shop to employee Charlie E. Jones in 1963. Jones closed the shop around 1980 and the space was rented to various businesses. Hired in April 1984 to clean out the storage loft, Earl R. Jacobs, III found and preserved more than one thousand negatives.
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Collection Site
UC Berkeley East Asian Library, Cartography
Free, Unlimited Access
1,102 images
Category: Cartography
The Japanese Historical Maps Collection of the East Asian Library contains early maps of Japan and the World. Represented in this online collection are a selection of maps and books from the collection. The maps were selected by Yuki Ishimatsu, Head of Japanese Collections at the East Asian Library at U.C. Berkeley, and scanned and put online by David Rumsey and Cartography Associates. Most noteworthy in the collection are a range of Japanese city maps dating back 300 years.
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Collection Site
University of South
Florida, Tampa
Free, Unlimited Access
743 images
Category: Other
The pioneer commercial photography studio of Tampa, Burgert Brothers, was established by Al and Jean Burgert around 1917. They worked primarily in the Tampa Bay area, including Ybor City, Port Tampa, Temple Terrace, and Ballast Point, but also photographed in Orlando, Sarasota, and Key West. The photographs in this collection record Tampa’s development from a small town to a major city, with pictures of people, churches, residences, streets, factories, and businesses.
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Collection Site
Bucknell University
Free, Unlimited Access
664 images
Category: Fine Arts
Selected images from the permanent collection of Bucknell University's Samek Art Gallery. The collection includes works of art from Europe, North and South America, Africa, China, Japan, and the Pacific Islands.
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Collection Site
Stanford University
Free, Educational Use Only
578 images
Category: Cartography
maps of Africa from the collections of the late Dr. Oscar I. Norwich
and the Stanford University Libraries, dating from the late 15th to early
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Stanford University
Free, Educational Use Only
488 images
Category: Cartography
The Stanford
Geological Survey (SGS) existed for 100 years, from 1895 until 1995.
During this time, students and faculty went into the field
to survey and map parts
of California, Nevada and Utah. This is a unique collection of their
hand-drawn and colored maps.
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University of Edinburgh
Free, Unlimited Access
446 images
Category: Other
Edinburgh University Library’s Corson Collection of Sir Walter Scott material includes portraits of Scott, people or places associated with Scott, art inspired by or illustrations to editions of his works. It covers a variety of formats: oil and watercolor paintings, drawings, engravings, etchings, lithographs, and photographs. This collection is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the diffusion of Scott’s work in Scotland, Great Britain, and abroad, in Scott’s role in the creation of Scottish national identity, and in his influence on British and foreign depictions of Scotland.
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Collection Site
Cornell University
Free, Educational Use Only
416 images
Category: Photography
The Icelandic Collection contains landscapes, farmsteads, towns and people in a remarkable series of photographs depicting Iceland and the Faeroe Islands on the edge of modernity. The collection includes photographs captured by British artist, Frederick W. W. Howell, as well as by Henry A. Perkins and Magnús Ólafsson. Daniel Willard Fiske, who bequeathed the collection to Cornell University, purchased over 400 prints from Howell. Halldór Hermannsson, the collection's first curator, mounted and captioned the prints around 1923 in six albums.
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Collection Site
Allentown Art Museum
Free, Educational use only
284 images
Category: Finearts
The Allentown Art Museum’s online collection focuses on European art (1300–1700),
American fine and decorative arts (1780–Present), and sculpture from India.
Textiles from Asia and the Mediterranean crescent, American needlework, printed
dress fabrics of the 1930s and 40s and contemporary American fiber art are also
well represented.
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Collection Site
Bucknell University
Free, Unlimited Access
268 images
Category: Photography
Digital images of Pennsylvania covered bridges reproduced from slides, negatives, and original photographs taken by Dr. Nelson F. Davis, Professor of Biology at Bucknell University from 1898-1939. These photographic compositions include 268 black and white images that were mostly taken during 1936-1937. The images are organized by county, town/city, and by date.
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Collection Site
Cornell University
Free, Educational use only
226 images
Category: Other
This collection
contains a sampling of 20 Reuleaux kinematic mechanisms. Kinematics flourished
in the 19th century as machine inventors learned to transmit
information and forces (power) from one element in the machine to another.
Franz Reuleaux, Professor of Mechanical Engineering in Zurich and Berlin,
set out to analyze, codify, and synthesize kinematic mechanisms so that
engineers could approach machine design in a rational way. These Reuleaux
models are owned by Cornell's Sibley School of Mechanical & Aerospace
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Collection Site
The John Rylands University Library, University of Manchester
Free, Educational Use Only
222 images
Category: Other
The John Rylands University Library, The University of Manchester, holds one of the richest and most wide-ranging papyrus collections in Britain. It includes religious, devotional, literary and administrative texts. There are 7 Hieroglyphic and 19 Hieratic papyri; all are funerary documents dating between the 14th century BC and the 2nd century AD. There are a further 166 Demotic fragments, mainly from the Ptolemaic period, and approximately 500 Coptic papyri. The 800 Arabic papyri consist of private letters, tradesmen's and household accounts. The Greek papyri, numbering approximately 2,000 items, include the famous fragments of St John’s Gospel and Deuteronomy, the earliest surviving pieces of the New Testament and the Greek Old Testament respectively. Several of the collections contain fragments on paper and parchment, as well as papyrus. The Rylands Genizah collection, which contains 11,000 fragments, mostly in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic, is a separate collection within Insight.
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Collection Site
The John Rylands University Library, University of Manchester
Free, Educational Use Only
218 images
Category: Other
The John Rylands University Library, holds one of the richest and most wide-ranging papyrus collections in Britain. There are 7 Hieroglyphic and 19 Hieratic papyri; all are funerary documents dating between the 14th century BC and the 2nd century AD. There are a further 166 Demotic fragments, mainly from the Ptolemaic period, and approximately 500 Coptic papyri. The 800 Arabic papyri consist of private letters, tradesmen's and household accounts. The Greek papyri, numbering approximately 2,000 items, include the famous fragments of St John’s Gospel and Deuteronomy, the earliest surviving pieces of the New Testament and the Greek Old Testament respectively.
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Collection Site
University of South
Florida, Tampa
Free, Unlimited Access
216 images
Category: Architecture
Dr. Sape Zylstra has constructed within this collection a glimpse of the first century of Tampa’s rich architectural history. From the earliest schoolhouse built by General Jesse Carter for his daughter to a Post-Modern home constructed by notable Tampa architect Eduardo Garcia, we get a peek at the fertile divergence of cultures drawn to Tampa.
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Collection Site
University of South
Florida, Tampa
Free, Unlimited Access
212 images
Category: Photography
The images from the Manatee County Public Library Historic Photograph Collection portray Manatee’s people, activities, and buildings from the late nineteenth century to the early 1980’s. In addition to depicting schools, churches, hospitals, and means of transportation, the photographs feature the Currys, a family who played a long and important role in building (and documenting) Manatee County. By taking photographs, the Currys recorded both their own history and the county’s.
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Collection Site
Kansas University
Free, Unlimited Access
201 images
Category: Other
This collection currently contains the Kansas Biological Survey Kansas Wildflowers database and a small sample of fossil images, with links to 3D images, from the Division of Invertebrate Paleontology of KU’s Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center (NHM/BRC).
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Pratt Institute Libraries
Free, Unlimited Access
178 images
Category: Photography
The Photograph Collection consists of photographs of Pratt Institute in all its many facets. Dating mainly from the late nineteenth through the mid-twentieth centuries, the collection documents the history of Pratt and the surrounding area through its images of the campus, the buildings, official events and activities, and student life.
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Collection Site
University of South
Florida, Tampa
Free, Unlimited Access
169 images
Category: Cartography
The USF Florida Map Collection currently contains maps in the USF Tampa Library Special Collections department's Rare Map Collection.
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Collection Site
University of South Florida, Tampa
Free, Unlimited Access
153 images
Category: Other
Charles Ringling Family Papers collection contains three main components: the Ringling mansion, archives from the Ringling Brothers Circus, and biographical materials centered on Charles Ringling family. The digitized images are a sampling of the larger collection available at the Jane Bancroft Cook Library in Sarasota.
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Collection Site
Pratt Institute Libraries
Free, Unlimited Access
129 images
Category: Other
The Fashion Plate Collection consists of hand-colored fashion plates from the French periodical La Gazette du Bon Ton (considered the most influential fashion magazine during its existence from 1912 to 1925) and its American edition, La Gazette du Bon Genre, distributed by Condé Nast. The plates in Pratt's collection date from 1922, were created by such prominent French artists as George Barbier, Pierre Brissaud, and Georges Lepape, and anticipate the Art Deco movement of the mid-1920s.
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Collection Site
Pratt Institute Libraries
Free, Unlimited Access
125 images
Category: Fine Arts
The Ex Libris Collection consists of nineteenth- and twentieth-century bookplates from private and institutional libraries. The plates feature finely detailed engraving or etching and serve as outstanding examples of period book art and typography. Represented in the collection are prominent American bookplate artists such as William Fowler Hopson and Joseph Winfred Spenceley, as well as important Dutch, English, German, Hungarian, Swedish, and Spanish artists.
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Collection Site
Pratt Institute Libraries
Free, Unlimited Access
119 images
Category: Photography
The Negative Collection depicts the history of Pratt and the changes that it underwent from the late 1950s through the mid-1970s. The collection is particularly notable for its examples of student work in art, architecture, fashion, and industrial design.
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Collection Site
University of South Florida, Tampa
Free, Unlimited Access
90 images
Category: Photography
Concentrating on the Pinellas Pasco region, professional photographer C. H. Stokes found his subjects along the route of the old Orange Belt Railway. Incorporated in 1893, the Sanford & St Petersburg Railroad took over the older railway’s properties, and then became part of the Plant System in 1895 accounting for the photographs being captioned “Views along” either the Sanford & St Petersburg or Plant System of Railways. Both railways used the photographs to promote tourism and development, projecting a rustic vision of Florida in the late 1890’s.
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Collection Site
University of Edinburgh
Free, Unlimited Access
71 images
Category: Other
Object Lessons collection is a virtual record of “Object Lessons”,
an exhibition held at the Talbot Rice Gallery in June and July 2003. For the
first time ever, the University of Edinburgh brought together its collections
to demonstrate their role, and the role of collecting, in research, and to explore
the threads of intellectual development that link objects over time. Exhibits
were drawn from the rich and diverse collections that the University now holds,
including its books and manuscripts, great portrait collection and internationally
renowned collection of historic musical instruments, among a host of others.
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Rutgers University
Free, Unlimited Access
67 images
Category: Cartography
A collection of maps from the New Jersey Environmental Digital Library project. The maps illustrate the geology, water resources, watersheds, wetlands, and land use within the state from the 19th and 20th century. The NJEDL is an online library of environmental literature and multimedia related to New Jersey.
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Collection Site
Stanford University
Free, Unlimited Access
53 images
Category: Other
The Hoover Institution Archives Poster Collection includes
political posters from around the world. Many thousands
of posters date from World War I and World
War II, though the posters cover the entire twentieth century. Posters
from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, the
empire and the Soviet
Union, and France are well represented, but also included are posters from
more than eighty countries. The online collection consists
of selected Russian posters.
Additional images from other countries will be added.
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Collection Site
University of South
Florida, Tampa
Free, Unlimited Access
47 images
Category: Photography
The Archibald Slaymaker Glass Negative Collection contains photographs belonging to Archibald Clarke Slaymaker (1867-1939), son of Amos Barr Slaymaker. Archibald Slaymaker operated Slaymaker-Whittier Dry Goods Store in Clarke's Gap, Albermarle County, Virginia.
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Collection Site
University of South
Florida, Tampa
Free, Unlimited Access
37 images
Category: Photography
The Ensminger Brothers Collection is a collection of Spanish-American War era photographs taken by the Ensminger Brothers, who were commercial photographers in the late 1800’s. They had been commissioned to take the photographs by two British women, Sarah Criggal and her sister. They were from the Isle of White, England and were visiting Florida.
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Collection Site
University of South
Florida, Tampa
Free, Unlimited Access
27 images
Category: Photography
The Wehman Collection is a collection of Spanish American War photographs taken mostly in Tampa collected by the Wehman family.
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Collection Site
University of South
Florida, Tampa
Free, Unlimited Access
23 images
Category: Cartography
The USF Rare Map Collection is a collection of rare maps from the USF Tampa
Library Special Collections Department Rare Map Collection.
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Collection Site