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After Lysippos
1st century B.C. or 1st...
Los Angeles County Muse...
Creator Name-CRT
After Lysippos
Creation Date
1st century B.C. or 1st century A.D. copy after a Greek original of about 340-330 B.C. by Lysippos
AMICA Contributor
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Statuette of Hercules
[Roman, After Lysippos]
Statuette of Hercules
Imperial Period, 2nd ce...
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
[Roman, After Lysippos]
Statuette of Hercules
Creation Date
Imperial Period, 2nd century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Bust of Bodhisattva
Pakistan, Gandharan reg...
Bust of Bodhisattva
2nd-3rd Century
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Pakistan, Gandharan region, Kushan
Bust of Bodhisattva
Creation Date
2nd-3rd Century
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Relief of a Fallen Warrior from the Shield of the Athena Parthenos
[Phidias, Roman]
Relief of a Fallen Warr...
Imperial Period, 2nd ce...
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
[Phidias, Roman]
Relief of a Fallen Warrior from the Shield of the Athena Parthenos
Creation Date
Imperial Period, 2nd century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Head of a Young Man
Italy, Roman
Head of a Young Man
A.D. 2nd Century
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Italy, Roman
Head of a Young Man
Creation Date
A.D. 2nd Century
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
The Hope Herakles
After Skopas
The Hope Herakles
2nd or 3rd century A.D....
Los Angeles County Muse...
Creator Name-CRT
After Skopas
The Hope Herakles
Creation Date
2nd or 3rd century A.D. copy after a Greek original of about 370-350 B.C. by Skopas
AMICA Contributor
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Bust of a Man
Syria, Palmyra
Bust of a Man
2nd century A.D.
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Syria, Palmyra
Bust of a Man
Creation Date
2nd century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Medallion with Rhinoceros
Medallion with Rhinocer...
1st cen.
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Medallion with Rhinoceros
Creation Date
1st cen.
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Artist not recorded
2nd century A.D. copy o...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Creation Date
2nd century A.D. copy of a mid-5th century Greek original
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Artist not recorded
2nd century A.D. copy o...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Creation Date
2nd century A.D. copy of a mid-5th century Greek original
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Worship of the Dharmachakra (Wheel of the Buddha Law)
Artist not recorded
Worship of the Dharmach...
about 2nd century A.D.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Worship of the Dharmachakra (Wheel of the Buddha Law)
Creation Date
about 2nd century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Relief fragment: Garland Bearer
Artist not recorded
Relief fragment: Garlan...
2nd century A.D., Andah...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Relief fragment: Garland Bearer
Creation Date
2nd century A.D., Andahra Dynasty
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Relief fragment: Garland Bearer
Artist not recorded
Relief fragment: Garlan...
2nd century A.D., Andah...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Relief fragment: Garland Bearer
Creation Date
2nd century A.D., Andahra Dynasty
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Worship of the Bodhi Tree
Artist not recorded
Worship of the Bodhi Tr...
about 2nd century A.D.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Worship of the Bodhi Tree
Creation Date
about 2nd century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Buddha As Medicant Monk
Artist not recorded
Buddha As Medicant Monk
about 2nd century A.D.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Buddha As Medicant Monk
Creation Date
about 2nd century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Seated Buddha with fragments of attendants
Artist not recorded
Seated Buddha with frag...
Kushana period, 2nd cen...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Seated Buddha with fragments of attendants
Creation Date
Kushana period, 2nd century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Temptation of the Buddha and Worship of the Headdress
Artist not recorded
Temptation of the Buddh...
about early 2nd century...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Temptation of the Buddha and Worship of the Headdress
Creation Date
about early 2nd century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Wall panel of a tomb with carved beasts and chariots
Artist not recorded
Wall panel of a tomb wi...
Eastern Han dynasty, 2n...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Wall panel of a tomb with carved beasts and chariots
Creation Date
Eastern Han dynasty, 2nd century A. D.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Wall panel of a tomb with carved beasts and chariots
Artist not recorded
Wall panel of a tomb wi...
Eastern Han dynasty, 2n...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Wall panel of a tomb with carved beasts and chariots
Creation Date
Eastern Han dynasty, 2nd century A. D.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Wall panel of a tomb with carved beasts and chariots
Artist not recorded
Wall panel of a tomb wi...
Eastern Han dynasty, 2n...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Wall panel of a tomb with carved beasts and chariots
Creation Date
Eastern Han dynasty, 2nd century A. D.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Head of Siva
Artist not recorded
Head of Siva
2nd century A.D., Kusha...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Head of Siva
Creation Date
2nd century A.D., Kushan Dynasty
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Adoration of the Bodhi Tree
India, Amaravati, Satav...
Adoration of the Bodhi ...
2nd Century
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
India, Amaravati, Satavahana Period
Adoration of the Bodhi Tree
Creation Date
2nd Century
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Head of Alexander the Great as Hermanubis
Head of Alexander the G...
2nd Century A.D.
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
Head of Alexander the Great as Hermanubis
Creation Date
2nd Century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
2nd Century AD
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
Creation Date
2nd Century AD
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
Figure of a Woman
Figure of a Woman
2nd Century
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Figure of a Woman
Creation Date
2nd Century
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Torsoof Hermes
Torsoof Hermes
2nd century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Torsoof Hermes
Creation Date
2nd century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Torso of a Youth
Torso of a Youth
2nd century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Torso of a Youth
Creation Date
2nd century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Seated Child: Harpokrates
Seated Child: Harpokrat...
2 - 3rd century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Seated Child: Harpokrates
Creation Date
2 - 3rd century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
artist unknown
2nd century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
artist unknown
Creation Date
2nd century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Tondo: Portrait of a Young Noblewoman
artist unknown
Tondo: Portrait of a Yo...
2nd century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
artist unknown
Tondo: Portrait of a Young Noblewoman
Creation Date
2nd century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
artist unknown
100 - 300
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
artist unknown
Creation Date
100 - 300
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
[Pair of Busts of Silenus, .1 Bust of Silenus (1 arm), .2 Bust of Silenus (2 arms)]
[Pair of Busts of Silen...
Late Republican or Earl...
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
[Pair of Busts of Silenus, .1 Bust of Silenus (1 arm), .2 Bust of Silenus (2 arms)]
Creation Date
Late Republican or Early Imperial Period, 1st century B.C. - 1st century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Dancing Dwarf
Italy (?), Roman, 1st C...
Dancing Dwarf
100 BC-100
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Italy (?), Roman, 1st Century BC-1st Century
Dancing Dwarf
Creation Date
100 BC-100
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Ibis Eating a Lizard
Egypt, Roman Empire
Ibis Eating a Lizard
1st Century BC to 1st C...
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Egypt, Roman Empire
Ibis Eating a Lizard
Creation Date
1st Century BC to 1st Century AD
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Ibis Eating a Lizard
Egypt, Roman Empire
Ibis Eating a Lizard
1st Century BC to 1st C...
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Egypt, Roman Empire
Ibis Eating a Lizard
Creation Date
1st Century BC to 1st Century AD
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Ibis Eating a Lizard
Egypt, Roman Empire
Ibis Eating a Lizard
1st Century BC to 1st C...
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Egypt, Roman Empire
Ibis Eating a Lizard
Creation Date
1st Century BC to 1st Century AD
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Mace Head
North coast of Peru, Sa...
Mace Head
c. 200 BC-AD 100
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
North coast of Peru, Salinar Culture
Mace Head
Creation Date
c. 200 BC-AD 100
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Artist not recorded
probably 50 B.C.-A.D. 1...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Creation Date
probably 50 B.C.-A.D. 100
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Statuette of an Enthroned Figure
Statuette of an Enthron...
Imperial Period, 1st ce...
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Statuette of an Enthroned Figure
Creation Date
Imperial Period, 1st century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Architectural Relief Panel
Architectural Relief Pa...
Imperial Period, Roman ...
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Architectural Relief Panel
Creation Date
Imperial Period, Roman Empire, 1st century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Roundel with Winged Celestial
Asia,South Asia,India,U...
Roundel with Winged Cel...
1st cen.
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Asia,South Asia,India,Uttar Pradesh (state)
Roundel with Winged Celestial
Creation Date
1st cen.
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Cinerary Box
Italy, Roman, 1st Centu...
Cinerary Box
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Italy, Roman, 1st Century
Cinerary Box
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Stair Riser Relief
India, Gandhara, Buner ...
Stair Riser Relief
1st Century
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
India, Gandhara, Buner area, early Kushan Period (1st century-320)
Stair Riser Relief
Creation Date
1st Century
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Portrait Head of a Young Woman
Portrait Head of a Youn...
Imperial Period, 2nd ce...
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Portrait Head of a Young Woman
Creation Date
Imperial Period, 2nd century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Railing Pillar with a Woman Beneath a Tree (Shalabhanjika)
North Indian
Railing Pillar with a W...
Kushan period, 2nd cent...
Asia Society
Creator Name-CRT
North Indian
Railing Pillar with a Woman Beneath a Tree (Shalabhanjika)
Creation Date
Kushan period, 2nd century
AMICA Contributor
Asia Society
Head of a Man
Head of a Man
Kushan period, 2nd-3rd ...
Asia Society
Creator Name-CRT
Head of a Man
Creation Date
Kushan period, 2nd-3rd century
AMICA Contributor
Asia Society
Young Herakles
Artist not recorded
Young Herakles
2nd century A.D.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Young Herakles
Creation Date
2nd century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Zeus Dolichenus
Artist not recorded
Zeus Dolichenus
2nd-3rd century A.D.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Zeus Dolichenus
Creation Date
2nd-3rd century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
The moon god Men
Artist not recorded
The moon god Men
2nd-3rd century A.D.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
The moon god Men
Creation Date
2nd-3rd century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Statuette of a paternal deity, possibly Jupiter
Artist not recorded
Statuette of a paternal...
second century A.D.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Statuette of a paternal deity, possibly Jupiter
Creation Date
second century A.D.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
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