June 1, 2003 - 811 New Maps Added

The following are highlights from 811 New Maps added to the David Rumsey Collection. All titles may be found by launching the Insight Browser or Java Client and searching under Search/by Publication Author using the author last names below. Or click here to view all 811 new maps.

(Plan of the City of Saint Petersburg), 1753
Akademiia nauk SSSR.
36 Maps and views. This atlas includes a detailed 9 sheet map of Saint Petersburg, shown as 9 separate images plus a composite image of all 9 sheets joined together. It also has numerous views of the city. This copy belongs to the Map Library at the University of Michigan. View Atlas

Pictorial St. Louis, 1876
Compton, Richard J.; Dry, Camille N.
110 views. An atlas containing the largest bird's eye view of an American city. The 110 sheets of the view appear separately and joined as a composite that is approximately 8 feet high and 25 feet wide. View Atlas

(Voyages in the Pacific Ocean), 1773, 1777, and 1785.
Cook, James.
205 Maps and views. Includes all the maps, charts, views, portraits and other images that appear in the nine volume set of Cook's three voyages published between 1773 and 1785. View Images

Atlas of the State of South Carolina, 1825.
Mills, Robert.
30 Maps. The first atlas of a state published in the U.S. Detailed maps of all 28 Districts (counties) by Henry Tanner. View Atlas

(Maps of California and the U.S. West), 1846 - 1859.
Mitchell, S. Augustus.
20 Maps. A sequence of maps showing the transformation of the U.S. West from 1846 to 1859. All the maps appeared in various editions of Mitchell's New Universal Atlas. View Maps

A Series of Charts (of) The Bay of San Francisco, 1852.
Ringgold, Cadwalader.
16 Maps and views. Some of the earliest and most accurate charts and profile views of San Francisco Bay. View Charts

(Railroad Time Table Maps, Automobile Maps, Airline Maps), various dates.
Various Publishers.
284 images. A group of 19th century railroad timetable maps from all parts of North America, plus early automobile and airline maps. View Maps

Topographical and geological atlas of the Black Hills of Dakota, 1879.
Jenney, Walter Proctor, 1849-1921; Newton, Henry, 1845-1877 .
One of the first complete geological surveys of the Black Hills region. View Atlas